Chapter XXXIV: Exquisite

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The night sky was dark with only the stars to light it up. The waves of the ocean hit against the shore over and over again. The tide was strong tonight. The stars shined down on Louis, making his features pop in the dark. His blue orbs shined as they watched the ocean. His hair wiped back in the wind and he did nothing to try and fix it. His nose crinkled at the smell of salt water. A smile hung over his face, his teeth whiter than the full moon. He had a light stubble growing on his chin from not shaving in a week. His eyes moved from the water to me. We both knew how much this beach meant to us. Where we really got to know each other. Where I figured out that I was indeed in love with Louis. Where in the deep water of the ocean, Louis and I had our first sexual encounter.  It was our place. Our neverland. I watched as he reached his arm out and took my hand into his. We were both completely nude, our clothes laying up on the hill.

  “Ready?” Louis asked.

  “Ready.” We ran into the freezing cold salt water and didn’t even cringe at the sudden temperature change. We had gotten used to it. We had fallen in love with it. Louis grabbed me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist and raised me up in the air. I chuckled as he did so. He let me back down and we swam deeper into the water.

I stopped swimming and looked up at the stars. Noticing how they made the shape of a bird.  

  “Is that why you have two birds tattooed on your chest?” he asks. I look down, suddenly remembering the tattoos.

  “Yeah, I’ve always wanted to fly like them.” He giggles as he pokes one of the birds on my chest.  

  “I’m kinda scared of heights so I don’t think I would like flying,” Louis admits.

  “Really?” I was surprised by that.

  “Yeah, why’d you seem so surprised?” he asks as he raises an eyebrow.

  “I just never thought you were afraid of anything.” Louis looks out at the birds and then glanced at me.

  “Everybody’s afraid of something.” I smiled at the memory.

   “C’mon Harry!” Louis called. I swam after him. It seemed like so long ago since that day. I had changed so much since then, we both had. And I’d like to think that we’ve change for the better. We’ve seen a different part of the world that we didn’t see before. We had totally different perspectives of the world now. Louis ran his fingers through my wet hair, pushing the curls away from my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the very rock I sat on while I figured out I was in love with Louis.

  I had an epiphany, I, Harry Styles, was in love with another man. Something that is frowned upon here to put it lightly. But I am so in love. I have fallen head over heels into oblivion. It’s inevitable that we won’t end up together, we’re not meant to be, we’re star crossed lovers that will never be. Not because our love is not true, cause it sure as hell is. But because of society and how homosexuality is outlawed here. So outlawed that ‘sodomy’ as they refer to gay sex as is punished by death. But I love him dearly.

That night changed my life forever, it was the day I stopped denying my feelings for Louis and accepted them. If it weren’t for that realization, I would be living a very different life. And despite the views of society and all that has gone wrong ‘cause of my love for this man, I wouldn’t change a single thing. We would not have the good without the bad. There are only stars in the darkest of nights. Things in this world are anything but perfect but there isn’t a single thing or moment I would take back. I cherish every single memory I have, the heartwarming ones as well as the heart wrenching ones. Each one holds a special place in my heart. When I’m with Louis, I feel invincible, like I can take on the world. With just a single look in the eye, I know how much Louis loves me. He looks at me like I am the best thing that’s happened to him. His eyes are my favorite feature about him. I could get lost in them for hours. There are endless layers to them and no matter how many times I’ve seen them, they never fail to amaze me.

   “C’mon, we’re going for a swim, Haz.” I stopped walking and just stared at him.

  “Are you crazy, Louis Tomlinson?” I asked, my voice visible in the cold. He chuckled, closing the gap between us.

  “Maybe,” he whispered. He took his jacket off and glanced over to me.

  “Get undressed, we’re going skinny dipping,” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head. Even in the dark I could tell he was fit. I felt suddenly insecure of my body, it wasn’t that I was fat, I just didn’t have a six-pack. Louis placed his hands on my hips, sensing my hesitation.

   “Haz, nothing is going to make me love you any less.”

Louis picked me up in one sudden movement, I wrap my legs around his waist. He spun us around as we both laughed until we fell straight into the water. When I looked up, I saw the very rock Louis sat on when I sucked him off for the first time.

  I knew very well the risk I was taking when I took him into my mouth. I was risking our lives but I wanted to show him how much I loved him. It was more than that though, he already knew how much I loved him, I didn’t want to be innocent no longer. I had never wanted anything so bad. I began to suck, moving in rapid movements. Louis buckled under me, his eyes shooting back with pleasure. He hands grasped my curls, tugging them hard as I fastened the movements. Soon, the apex was met and he was coming inside my mouth. I had never loved anyone so much in that moment. The way the full moon lit his nude body made him look beyond flawless. I pulled back and we both just sat there, trying to catch our breaths.

  Louis put me back down and I went on his back, piggy-back style. Louis stood up and I sat on his shoulders.

  “I’ve just never met anyone like you,” I tell him. His eyes pour into mine.

   “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I chuckle as a smile appears on my face.

   “A very good thing.”

  I looked  around, I could almost see the shore from there.

  “Stand up,” he says.

  “but I’ll fall.” My eyes survey my surroundings.    

  “You won’t, trust me.”

I traced my fingers over the ink of the bird.

  “It’s just like the ones on my chest,” I muttered still in shock. He blushed red.

  Carefully, I placed one foot on his shoulder. I used his head to steady me. I then put my other foot on his shoulder and stood up. I could see everything from there. Everything looked so beautiful. I could see where Louis tickled me to the ground the first day he brought me here. I could see the abandoned ice cream stand where I almost kissed Louis. I could see the very rock I sat on when I realized my feelings for Louis.

  “Yeah, that’s why I got it. I’ve been thinking about what you said that day while we were at the beach for the first time. How you would like to be a bird ‘cause they can just fly away when things get bad.” I nodded my head remembering that day while still tracing the ink with my fingers.

  “I think I’d like to be a bird too.”

  “Open your arms.” I did as told, letting my arms open, feeling the wind blow against me.

   “It’s like flying, Louis.” A smile then took upon both Louis’ and mine faces.

  “I’m flying.”

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