Chapter VII: Fiduciary

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Louis and I are going to see Romeo & Juliet today at a local theater. I get dressed in my church suit and head downstairs.

"Hey hazza," Gemma says with a smile as she ruffles my hair.

"Morning Gem." I go over and grab my tickets, sticking them in my pocket.

"Where are you going looking so nice?" she asks as she crocks her head at me.

"The theater with Louis." I slip my phone along with my ticket in my pocket.

"What are you guys going to see?" I notice his car pulling up the driveway.

"Romeo and Juliet," I say as I run towards the door. I slip my shoes on as I hear his footsteps.

"Well, have fun!" Theres a knock on the door, I open it to reveal Louis in a suit. I have to admit, he cleaned up quite nice.

"Harry," he said as a smile spread across his face. His eyes wandered me.

"Louis," I said forming a smile as well.

"Shall we go?" he asked. I nodded my head. We left my house, driving off in his car. The drive wasn't far. We mostly just talked about our weekends.

"Have you seen the play?" he asked as he pulled in the parking lot.

"Yeah, for my 16th birthday my parents got me tickets." The lot was pretty busy, it took a while to find a spot. We saw lots of girls in dresses or skirts walking towards the theater.

"We better not be the only guys in there," he chuckled. He finally found a spot, pulling the car into it.

"We won't," I assured him. We got out of the car, walking towards the theater. The theater is rather old fashioned. It is a dark red, burgundy color, its on the smaller side. It had a white marquee with black lettering that read, 'Romeo & Juliet'. We walk up the steps, Louis stops in front of me, turning around to face me.

"We should take a picture in front of this thing," he says.

"Sure," I agree. I've never really liked taking pictures.

He takes out his phone, on the camera setting facing it towards us so we can see our faces. He throws his arms around me as we smile wide as he takes the photo. We then turn back around and head inside. The lobby is filled with people, most of which are under 25 year old girls.

"Do they have popcorn?" Louis asked as he glanced around. I chuckled.

"You have obviously never been to the theater," I said with a grin.

"I haven't ever been to the theater," he admitted.

"Well, I'm glad I made you lose your theater virginity." We both chuckled at that, smiling at each other. We headed to our seats. We had fairly good seats. We sat right in the middle towards the front, so we could see the full view of the stage perfectly.

"Is this like a musical version?" he asked as we waited for the show to start.

"No, there is no singing in shakespeare." The lights dimmed as the audience silenced. A member of the Chorus entered the stage and stated the Prologue, which I know by heart. Call me a dork but I mouthed along the words as he said them,

"From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life

Whose misadventured piteous overthrows

Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.

The fearful passage of their death-marked love."

I could hear Louis chuckle beside me when he noticed how I was mouthing all the words. He slipped his arm around my shoulders as a friendly gesture. Warmth generated between us as he moved his hand up and down my shoulder. I glanced over at him grinning from ear to ear. He reached out and poked one of my dimples, which made my face redden. I focused back on the riveting story of Romeo & Juliet. As I watched the undeniable love between Romeo and Juliet, I realized just how much I wanted someone to love, someone to share my life with, someone to cuddle with, someone to kiss, someone that I would be willing to risk everything for. I was in love with the idea of love, in love with the idea of risking your all for the one you love. I wanted a purpose in life, and I wanted my purpose to be to love someone unconditionally and give them my all. The play was well, perfection. I even cried at the end, which Louis chuckled at, at first then he wiped away my tears with his thumb and laid his head on my shoulder.

"You will find that someone, Haz, and when you do it will be everything you hoped for and more," he told me.

"Thanks," I whispered to him as I nuzzled him in closer.

"You will too, Lou," I then told him. He smiled weakly at me. I knew he didn't believe me and I empathized with him for his lack of belief in love.

The rest of the week went by really fast, Louis and I worked at the bakery everyday. On sunday, we arranged to meet up at the church, since we would both be there. You would think that spending five days in a row would make us sick of each other but we weren't, in fact, I dreaded when I was without him. And that scared me. It scared the shit out of me that I was so attached to this boy that I had only known for what, a month? We arrived at the church twenty minutes before the service started. My dad and I went over to get our coffees where I would meet Louis. We ordered our coffees, waiting for the girl to make them.

"How was working five whole days in a row with Louis?" my dad asks.

"Fine, I didn't mind it," I admitted. Louis made work fun, he would always find a way for us to have fun. They handed us our coffees just as Louis came into the room. I smiled and walked over to him.

"I'll meet you in the service room, Harry," my dad said as he left. Louis put his hand out in front of my coffee cup, I handed it to him. He put to cup to his lips and took a drink. When he finished he handed me back my drink with a smile.

"Lets go to our seats," he said. I nodded and followed him to where service was held. He looked rather handsome in his church suit, wait did I just call Louis handsome? I mean there was no denying that he was good looking but I couldn't be attracted to him. I pushed any thoughts of the possibilities of that out of my head.

We made our way to the third row where my family was seated. Louis gave each of my family members a hug, he then sat beside me as we waited for the service to start. His dad came out in his suit that I had seen him in all too often. He glanced over to Louis, smiled and began the service. Today, he talked of love.

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."

As he went on to talk more of love, I felt Louis take my hand into his, interlocking our fingers. I tried not to stare at our hands, but I couldn't help but to glance down at them. His hand was inlocked securely with my own, our fingers fitting together like two puzzle pieces. I then look up to see him grinning at me. As if my expressions were a reflection of his, a grin appeared on my face as well. He squeezed my hand as he looked back to his dad.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."


This chapter is basically brings into play the religion aspect in this story. Where some people interpret the bible to say that homosexuality is a sin. I don't usually put a lot of religion in my books cause well, I'm an atheist, I don't believe in a higher power for various reasons. I decided to include religion in this story cause it just kinda goes with the story and is a huge part of the town and people. I personally believe that if there is a god that he accepts all his children whether they are straight or gay.

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