Chapter XV: Amicable

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“You’re getting good at this, babe,” I tell Louis as I slide my hands around his waist. He just finished frosting a cookie, he used different colored frosting to make it look like a rainbow. Memories of how he frosted like a five year old when he first started working floats through my mind making me chuckle.

“Is that so?” he says with a playful smirk as he turns his head to look me in the eyes, placing his hands over mine.

“Yeah,” I say simply as I plant a kiss on his temple. He threads his fingers through my curls as he pulls my face to his, connecting our lips. The kiss is passionate but not too heated. We both made an unspoken decision to keep things slow. Our lips move in perfect sync, his tongue sliding into my mouth, making me moan. I pull back and we both have smiles that go to the moon and back.

“You should come over to dinner tonight,” I suggest.

“Will your parents be there?” he asks.

“Yeah, please?” I plead. His eyes lure into me as he gives in.

“Fine.” He gives me a quick peck on the lips and we go back to work. When we arrive home to my house, my dad is watching a football game with Gemma’s boyfriend while I can hear my mum and Gemma in the kitchen. We slip our shoes off laughing at some crazy story Louis just finished telling me.

“Hey boys. I didn’t know you were coming over to dinner, Louis,” my dad says as he glances at us from the couch. We walk over to the couch standing over to the side. Louis slips his hands in his pockets nervously.

“Yeah, Louis mentioned that his parents were out of town, so I invited him over,” I told him smiling at Louis.

“Well, you’re welcome here any time, Louis. Dinner won’t be ready for another 15 minutes.” My dad offers him a polite smile which he returns.

“Thanks Mr. Styles.”

We head up to my room. Louis examines every part of my room, as if memorizing it so he could look at it later. I realized that this was only his second time in my room. He soaked in every inch of the room, taking it all in, as if it were a part of me. Which it was. It wasn’t much, there was a bed in the middle with green sheets and the room was painted a sky blue. I had few posters on the walls and on the shelves were dozens of books. He slid his fingers across the binding of each book. His eyes then glanced over to the record player set up by my bed with a set of records on the table. He looked through each of them, studying each with equal importance.

“Where’d you get all of these? I can’t even find these things in my grandparents things,” he says. I walk over to where he stands, standing a safe distance apart. My breath hitched in my throat as the memory of when I was given it flashed before me.

“Chloe gave it to me for my birthday, it was her dad’s.” Silence spills over the room, realization in his eyes. He ran his fingers over the player carefully then glanced up at me.

“Do you miss her?” he asks quietly, as if he were afraid that if he asked louder he would offend me.

“Yeah, of course.” Keeping his hand on the player, he steps closer to me.

“Do you still love her?” he asks heavily. I close the gap between us, leaning my forehead on his as I shake my head.

“Not the way I love you, I will always remember and care and love her but as a friend. I no longer dwell in the past of old memories, I’ve moved on, accepted the fact that she’s gone and there’s nothing I can do about it but move on.” Louis stares at me with astonishment in his blue orbs. Like I am some sort of king that he idolizes.

“It’s what she would want me to do,” I say with a struggled voice. He wraps his arms around me, rubbing my back in circles.

We get called down to dinner and all sit around the table.

“Louis, would you like to lead us in a prayer?” my dad asks. He agrees and we all bow our heads.

“Dear Lord, thank you for all the blessings you’ve given us. Thank you for the amazing friends and family that surround us. Thank you for putting the food on the table and giving us a reason to live. Thank for all you’ve given us, and the connections you’ve helped us make. A men.” Louis and I locked eyes smiling at each other.

“You going to be a preacher like your father, Louis?” I cut into my meat glancing a look at Louis.

“No, I think I’ll probably end up doing something in the entertainment business, like a actor or football player.” The conversation stays casual talking about Louis’ family and life at home.

“So Louis, has Harry told you about his new girlfriend?” Gemma asked. I nearly choked on my chicken, ending up coughing and downing some water. Louis raises an eyebrow looking from Gemma to me.

“Harry’s got a girlfriend?” he questions. Gemma jumps right on in.

“Yeah, they just started dating the other week, he hasn’t stopped smiling since that date. Her name’s Louisa.” A smirk appears on his face as he turns to me.

“Now that you mention it, he has told me about her. He’s fallen head over heels for her. From what I hear she’s quite the catch. Isn’t that right, Haz?” Louis cims with mischief in his eyes. I cough to avoid choking again.

“Yeah, that’s right,” I mutter.

After dinner, we go back to my room. Once the door is shut behind us, Louis gets as close to me as possible.

“So, Harold tell me about this Louisa, what does she look like? What’s your favorite thing about her?” he asks even though he knows damn well that she doesn’t exist.

“Well, she’s quite extraordinary. She’s unlike any other person I’ve met. Not to mention she has the prettiest blue eyes.” He slides his arms around my waist as he backs me up against the door.

“Pretty blue eyes huh? Prettier than mine?” I slam our lips together, kissing him with so much desire. His hands cling to the back of my shirt as I run my tongue over his as I flip us around, slamming him against the door as our tongues fight for dominance. My hands stay planted on his waist while our tongues move miles in a race of some sort. I can feel us both going hard from the intensity of the kiss. I pull away but he pulls me right back, kissing down my neck to my shoulder where he decides to leave his mark on me, biting down onto my skin making a moan escape my lips without consent. When he’s finished I have a scar to prove that he is mine and I am his.

“Good luck covering that up, Harold.” I chuckled smiling.

“I’ll get you back for this, Tomlinson.”


So, this chapter continues the show the bond between harry and louis. it also shows some of harry's past, which as the story progresses, you will learn more and more about. 

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