Chapter XXXV: Expedient

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It poured rain that entire day. It never lit up once. There was thunder that shook the whole house and lightening that blasted the trees. And today just happened to be the day my family had planned their get together, they invited Gemma and James over as well as Niall and his family. We had planned on having a barbecue and a bonfire, roasting s'mores later. That obviously wasn't happening now but they all still showed up. At least we could still watch the World Cup finals. Niall came through the door with his parents on his crutches.

"Hey, how was the surgery?" I asked him as I gave him a light hug.

"It went really well," he said with a smile.

"Sure is ugly out there," he commented. I nodded my head. They joined us in the family room where my family was sitting on couches watching the World Cup. Niall sat down beside me on the couch by Gemma and James, the parents sitting on the other couch.

"Heard you got engaged, Gem," Niall said to Gemma with a smile. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Congratulations, you deserve it." The parents wasted no time to start talking and filling each other in on their children's lives.

"We should play some games," I suggested that wanting my parents not to be discussing the details of my life with everyone.

"Yeah, we should play pictionary!" Niall exclaimed getting excited.

"Okay, let's do kids vs adults," my mum said as she grabbed the huge dry erase board she used to put the week's activities on. We played the game for a few hours which ended in the kids winning. After the game, Niall and I went to my room.

"Does it hurt?" I asked referring to his knee.

"No, not really." I sat on my bed while he examined my room, as if he were determined to find what I had changed about it since the last time he was here.

"You seem good, take it things with Louis are good?" Niall asked as he picked up one of the stuffed animals Louis won me at the carnival.

"Yeah, they're really good. We've been seeing each other a lot more." Niall sat down next to me on my bed.

"Can I ask you something?" I nodded my head.

"What makes Louis so special? Why is he the one?" A smile appeared on my face as the reasons started collecting in my head.

"He's different, from anyone else I've met. He's daring and fearless yet at the same time he's afraid of heights. He's so strong, he's been through hell yet he doesn't take anything for granted. He goes through everyday as if it is his last. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. He's smart, he just doesn't like to admit it. On the outside he seems so picture perfect like his life is perfect but it isn't and neither is he but somehow to me that makes him all the more magnificent. Whenever I'm with him, I feel like together we can do anything, like we can take on the world, I feel infinite when I'm with him. And when I'm without him, it feels like half of me is gone, like I'm not whole without him, like half of me is missing. When we're together, it feels like everything is right in this cruel messed up world." Niall smiled, a smile that showed his now straight teeth from having braces for a few years.

"I'm really happy for you Haz," he told me as he patted my back.

"You deserve to be happy, and to be with that someone who makes you happy."

We all crimped around the table for dinner, which was pizza we ordered from the place down the street. There were five different conversations going on at once, everyone talking over each other and laughing. And even though the day was rainy, the day itself was bright, full of happiness and light.

"So, have you two come up with any wedding plans yet?" Niall's mum asked.

"Actually, we were thinking of getting married by the ocean in the spring, and well, I want Harry to be the best man," Gemma said smiling at me. A smile had never left my face that entire day. I felt at home with them, they were my family, not all had been blood related but they were still family.

"I'd be more than happy to be the best man at your wedding," I told her. A loud burst of thunder pounded throughout the house as I noticed light outside in the darkness. Moments later there was a knock at the door.

"More company!" my mum said as she got up. Everyone's eyes followed her to the door. Everything around me went on mute as she opened the door. My ears couldn't hear a single thing as two policemen entered the house. My mum held a shocked and scared expression. I could hear them say some words to her which she stared at them in disbelief. Gemma and Niall both glanced at me then watched as the police entered the kitchen. You could hear a pin drop in that house at that moment. Every single person wore a scared expression, scared someone had gotten hurt or killed. None of them were expecting what happened next. My mum moved closer to the kitchen watching in horror. The police made their way over to me. They looked to be in their early thirties in their black and grey uniforms. They stopped when they reached my chair, I let out a long breath and stood from my chair.

"Harry Styles, you are under arrest for Sodomy. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you." They clipped the handcuffs on my hands and lead me out of the kitchen. I looked back to see Niall's parents staring at me in shock and disgust. James just sat there shocked out of his mind. Gemma had tears falling down her cheeks as she buried her face into Niall's chest who had red eyes from blinking back the tears. My own father looked at me like he didn't know who I was, like he despised me. I looked back to where they were leading me out of my own house. My mum was frantic, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You must have the wrong guy, please stop! There's no way my son did this!" she cried out to the police.

They lead me out of the house and when I looked back, my mum was on the floor sobbing repeating over and over again, "he didn't do it." The door was shut and I wasn't sure if I would ever see any of them again. The police car was parked out front by the lawn. The rain was still pouring down, the lights on the police car lit up the night. The two little boys from down the street stopped playing in the puddles and just stared at me like I was some monster.

I was pushed into the back of the police car and they took their driving seats. I looked out the window to see my mum out on the lawn in the pouring rain sobbing as she shouted things frantically. Gemma held her, letting her cry into her arms. Niall watched with sad eyes as the car drove off, tears began making their way down his face. I may never see them again and if I do, it won't be the same. They won't look at me the same ever again. They won't talk to me the same or make jokes with me. They won't smile at me fondly or have that look in their eyes that lets me know that they love me. They won't do any of that. I sat back in my seat. So this was it. The beginning of the end. Life would never be the same. I would be lucky if I got out of that prison. I would probably be the next one to join the swinging party. But I didn't want it all to end. I didn't want this to be my last day in civilization. I didn't want this to be the last time I see Niall or my family. I didn't want this to be the last time I rode in a car. I didn't want this to be the last time I played a game. I didn't want this to be the last time I saw rain or heard thunder. I didn't want this to be the last time I ate dinner. I didn't want this to be the last time I saw the home I grew up in. I didn't want this to be the last time I smiled. I didn't want this to be the last time I was happy. I didn't want it all too end. It couldn't end yet.

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