Chapter X: Fragile

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Louis and I are in a field again. The same field as the other night. But this time there is an eerie sense in the air around us. It is midday and the sun is high in the sky. I connect my lips with his, feeling the heavenly sensation that I get everytime we kiss. We mutter sweet nothings to each other as we snog the faces of each other. Thunder suddenly pounds the ground around us as the sky darkens with rain pouring down on us. We snicker but continue to kiss. We kiss so hard we don't hear the noise of footsteps coming our way. Louis tugs at my curls as he slides his tongue in my mouth. One moment we are kissing ever so peacefully and then the next the world is falling apart around me as Louis is pulled away from me. I looked up to see several men in grey body suits, we can't see there faces and each are armed. One of them is holding Louis back as he thrashes at the guy trying to escape. It takes me moments to get over the shock. I then find it within my strength to stand up. I run over to the man who has Louis captive but am pushed back by two men. My eyes water as I thrash the air in anger.

"You can't be together," one of them says as a gun is pointed to Louis' head. I try to run towards him but they hold me back with so much strength.

"I love you," I whisper as I close my eyes at the noise of the gun shot going off.

"Harry!" a voice calls but I don't threaten to open my eyes. He is gone. They killed him.

"Harry!" it calls again.

I open my eyes to see my whole family surrounding me with worried looks upon their faces. The dream is still in my memory. I am covered in sweat, as I sit up looking around the room.

"Are you okay, Harry?" My mum asks with concern. I nod my head still confused. My mum takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Harry, you were screaming and thrashing about in your bed. Did you have a nightmare, sweetie?" she asks softly.

"I was screaming?" I question. They all nod, looking very tired.

"Sorry," I mutter.

"It's okay, sweetie. Are you having nightmares again?" I avoid all eye contact. It had been a while since my last nightmare. This was the first one in years.

"It was just a bad dream, thats all," I say calmly.

"Okay," my mum got up from my bed standing over to my dad.

"You should shower, we're going out with Katy and her family tonight. It'd be good for you, H," my dad told me offering a smile which I didn't return.

"Do we have to?" I ask with a groan.

"Harry, it's been four years since Chole, you have to move on." Little did he know I was much over Chole, it was Louis who I wasn't over.

"Fine," I muttered as I rolled over getting out of my bed. I took a long refreshing shower with the vivid images from the dream fresh in my mind. I can't let this little crush on Lou cost us our lives. I care about him too much to put him in any danger. I won't do anything along the lines of telling him about my crush, I will just ignore it until it goes away.

I really didn't want to go on another date after what happened the other week with Niall. But I knew that I had to get over Louis. My parents were very close to Katy's family. They live close by and our parents went to school together. Katy was a nice girl but she wasn't Louis. Maybe I should just give her a chance. I run my hand through my hair one final time, making sure all the curls were intact. I then headed downstairs. Both my parents were already dressed and ready to go.

"You look nice," my mum said with a smile.

"Thanks," I muttered under my breath. We are going to a local restaurant in town, not a really fancy one. To be honest there is only one fancy restaurant in town. We leave the house and drive to there. All the way there, my dad tells me about Katy and her family. Apparently, she plays football, and she has two younger brothers. It's a really nice night, the sun is setting, making the sky look purple. I wonder what Louis is doing on a night like tonight. I imagine him hanging out with Zayn shooting hoops or going to the forest. For a moment I feel a sharp pain in my chest; envy. I was jealous of Zayn. He had known Louis longer than me. I shook my head and laughed at the thought that I was jealous of him. I had no reason to be. We went into the restaurant and saw them at a table in the back. Her entire family had dirty blonde hair. Her dad's hair was slicked back probably by hair gel onto his head firmly. Both her parents were rather short, making her be just shorter than me. She had shoulder length straight dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was beautiful but nothing compared to Louis. I shook my head, I had to stop thinking of him. I took a seat next to her. My parents took a seat facing her parents. Our parents carried most of the conversation while Katy and I made small talk. Don't get me wrong, Katy was a nice girl, a really nice girl in fact, but she's no Louis. When we were done eating, Katy and I went to the arcade while our parents talked.

"I swear they would talk for decades if they could," she uttered as we walked to the arcade room.

I chuckled, she was a funny girl but not as funny as Lou. Katy tried over and over again to play the game where you try and get a stuffed animal over to the thing.

"I swear this is fucking jacked," she chuckled.

"Here let me show you," I said as I placed my hands over hers, closing the space between us. I moved the level around, lowering it to the stuffed animals.

"Which one do you want?" I asked her.

"Surprise me," she whispered. I should of been turned on by that or at least found her confidence attractive. But I didn't. I lowered the level and picked up a blue Carabear. I moved the level, dropping it into the thing. The top of the machine lit up, 'WINNER'. I grabbed the stuffed animal from the machine, handing it to her as she turned around to face me. She smiled at me sweetly. She reached her arms around my neck, kissing my lips. I was shocked at first, not kissing back, but then kissed back knowing I had to give it a try. And you know what? I felt NOTHING. Nothing at all. Not even a single spark. When Chloe and I kissed I felt something, no I didn't feel what I felt in my dreams of Louis and I, but I still felt something. She pulled away first looking a little disheartened. I wondered if she didn't feel anything either. She sighed and offered me a soft smile.

"You're a nice guy, Harry." I had sure been hearing that a lot lately. I wanted to be more than a nice guy. I wanted to be loved, and not just by family.

"We should hangout more friends," she said as she handed me the carabear. I looked down at it in my hands with sad eyes. I really needed to get over Louis. She wrapped her arms around me in a friendly gesture.

"Save that for someone else," she whispered in my ear. We pulled back from the hug, glancing at each other awkwardly.

When we left the restaurant my dad seemed really happy. We got in the car, it was now pitch black out. I glared out the window at the sparkling stars in the sky.

"It seemed like Katy and you got along well," my dad said with a smile.

"She's a nice girl." I opened my window, letting the wind blow back my hair.

"But it's not going to work out," I said quietly. My dad wiped his head around to look me in the eye.

"Why the hell not?" He paused before going on, he was outraged.

"Harry, we have tried everything, having dinners with billions of families just to help you out!" he shouted.

"Well, did you ever think, maybe I didn't want that!" I clamored.

"We're just trying to help you out, Har. You can't live like this forever, you've got to move on sooner or later." I put my head in my hands then looked up briefly.

"This has nothing to do with Chloe!" I looked back out the window as tears threatened to escape my eyes. I was not going to cry, not here, not now.

"Then what is it?" he asked frantic. With my lack of answer he turned his head back to his window. The car suddenly fell very silent.

"I just don't want you to end up alone," he said hoarsely after a few moments of silence. I blinked away the tears that once again were threatening to escape. I looked down to see the carabear still in my hand. Maybe one day, just maybe, I'd be able to give it to Louis.


Yeah, this chapter is kinda deep. You learn in this one that Harry has a dark past with Chloe. You also see his dad and his relationship. Harry's dad is not being mean here, his dad has been trying to help Harry find that someone and he's had no luck, so its natural for him to be frusterated.

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