Chapter XXXIX: Execute

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The bus pulled up to a vacant building with fences that went far up to the sky, the building itself was beat up and the paint was coming off. We were lead by guards through the fence which looked to be electric. The guard typed in a code which opened the doors. The inside didn’t look any better than the outside. The lights were very dim, like they were afraid the light would give us hope. There was no eating area like at the last prison nor a visiting area, this prison solely consisted of cells that were locked to excessive extent. The people in the cells were stripped of hope and smiles, they had a dull spiritless look in their eyes that let you know they were days away from execution. They lead us to the very back. I could see a door in the middle of the wall by the cells. The door had no window and was metal, so you couldn’t see what was on the other side. There was a keypad on the wall by the door to type in a password in order to get in, along with several regular key locks. What ever was on the other side of that door must of been valuable. They took us to the cells by the door where we spotted Luke and Ashton. The cells were like the others, as in there was a metal wall between each cell but they were much smaller. We were placed in our separate cells. The guard put the passcode into the door by us; 666 and opened it. It was bright, lot of light on the other side of the door that lead me to think it was the way out. There was one guard that stood by the door, making sure it was locked once closed. The guard left our hallway and went to check on the other cells.

“So you two were declared guilty too,” Ashton said in a sad voice. I nodded my head. I looked around the cell, there wasn’t even a bed only a small overused toilet and sink.

“Where do they expect us to sleep, the floor?” I asked as I noted the floor was stained of blood. There were about five other prisoners in our row, most looked like they were already dead.

“Liam stayed in that cell,” I heard Louis say referring to the cell way at the end that reeked of blood. There was no one in the cell currently, the door was open revealing the blood stained walls and sink.

“He killed himself before his execution.” It was like I could see his bleeding body on the floor, draining blood from his body.

“How?” We had all seated ourselves on the floor of the cells since there was nowhere else to sit.

“Banged his head against the sink until his skull was popping out.” I cringed at the visual I got in my mind. Liam smashing his head repeatedly into the metal of the sink, blood rushing from his head as he falls to the floor lifeless.

“Do any of you know what’s behind that door?” I asked as I stared at the door. Everyone shook their heads. I looked at the outside of the cell noticing the cells were locked with a padlock and key. I put my hand on through the bars and typed on the padlock the same numbers that were used on the door, it opened, but there was still the key lock. The other boys watched me with smirks on their faces.

“I have an idea,” I told them. I could hear Louis move closer to the bars so he could listen.

“Each of these have a padlock, the passcode is the same for the door, all we have to do to escape is get the keys from the guard and we’ll be able to get out of here using that door, that has to be the door out, the two guards haven’t returned from there.” A grin grew on each of our faces.

“How will we get the keys?” Luke asked. I looked around, there was no keys hanging on the wall like in the movies.

“We’ll have to steal them from the guard, one of us could distract him while the other grabs the keys from him.”

“I’ll distract the guard, and you can steal the keys since you know the passcode number,” Louis said.

“What about if we get out? Where will we go?” Ashton asked. I thought for a moment and remembered the fencing and a place I saw on the way here.

“There’s a dock where boats are, we could go there and chances are there will be a boat and we can hop on it.” The smiles only got wider.

“We’re going to get out of here.”


there's only one more chapter after this. i have a question for you all, i had always planned on doing a sequel but frankly ive lost my inspiration so my question to all of you is do you want a sequel?

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