Chapter 10

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•Alex P.O.V•

I walk into the kitchen and my mother is at the sink cleaning what looks like the last dish

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I walk into the kitchen and my mother is at the sink cleaning what looks like the last dish. I walk up beside her and kiss her cheek then hop up on the counter "Hello mother" she looks over at me and smiles "hello my daughter, good health?"

"As always, good health to you?"

"Yes I am in good health. Did you enjoy yourself tonight?"

"Yes I did actually"

"Your father tells me you have found your mate?"

"Yes, his name is Harper"

"Sounds like a good guy, you should invite him to dinner tomorrow night"

"Really? What about Jaxon?"

"Never mind him, I'll handle that. You just invite him okay"

"Yes, ma'am"

"Good, now get your butt off my counter and go look in the oven....I make you your favorite"

"You didn't!" I hop off the counter and made my way to the oven. Got the oven mittens off of the hook, put them on and opened then oven and OMG! She made, Mac and cheese with a bunch of bacon in it. I love her soooooo much. I take it out of the oven, and sit it on the stove.

I run over to her and hug her yelling "thank you thank you" she kisses my head and tells me to go sit at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

She gets a plate out of the cabinet and puts some of it on there and walks towards me. She sits it down then goes and gets a cup full of blood for me to drink after I eat. This is my big dose of blood for the week. I have to get some in my system everyday or I'll get ansi and get very cranky. Since my father works at the hospital he has access of pills. He just gets the plastic parts and bring them home so my mother can put blood in them. I take one every morning and night when I don't drink it from my cup that my mother brings me.

 She walks over and sit it down in front of me

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She walks over and sit it down in front of me. My eyes instantly turn crimson and then she touches my arm "Your okay my child. You have complete control, you are strong enough yeah?" I look at her and I feel my eyes turn back gray then she smiles. I smile back and start to eat the food. She walks behind me and starts to comb through my hair with her fingers "I'm going to go ahead and braid your hair because after you get out the shower your going to be tired. It's going to be tight so when you get in the shower and it gets wet it won't fall out alright" I just nod my head and stuff my face with more food.

After I eat my 4th plate, my mom sits beside me and grabs my hand "Now drink". I lift the cup and bring it to my lips and slowly starts to drink then my drinking gets faster and faster then I hear her whisper in my ear "slowly, slowly" and I start to slow down and I finish it. She quickly takes the cup from me and goes and washes the remains of the blood out.

Once she was done washing the cup out, she walked over to me and smiled "You did good my love. Now go take a shower and get to bed. I know Ash was upset that you didn't go surfing with him this morning. Your going to need to get some rest and get up early yes?" I nod my head yes and smile "Right, now go shower and get to bed. Goodnight my love"

"Goodnight mother" she kisses my head and I get up and walk to my room.

(Alex's Room)

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(Alex's Room)

I walk in my room and lock the door (it's a habit)  then walk over to my window and open it. The sound of the ocean makes me fall asleep easy. I turn on my lamp near my bed then go into my closet and got out a black and pink bra with black and white Nike Pro shorts.

 I turn on my lamp near my bed then go into my closet and got out a black and pink bra with black and white Nike Pro shorts

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I walk into the bathroom and turn on my speaker then head into the shower. For a moment I just sit there and let the hot water run down my body. The hot water soothes my muscles and it really just calms me.

Moments later I get out the shower, dry off and throw my clothes in the hamper then go back into my room. I walk over to my window and just stand there and listen to the sound of the ocean. It's so peaceful at night. I turn around and was about to walk over to my bed but felt this sudden wind behind me then I felt it....his hands moved slowly to my stomach then he leaned down to my neck and kissed it "Did you have a good shower" said a deep husky voice from behind me. "Yes thank you" I said in kinda a whisper. He then moved his hands to my back and with his finger he traced something on my back "What is this" then I noticed what he was talking birthmark. "It's my birth mark. Yeah it's different but my mother said that I get it from somewhere from one of my 'real' parents"

 Yeah it's different but my mother said that I get it from somewhere from one of my 'real' parents"

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(Alex's Birthmark)

"It's interesting" he said still tracing it. Then he moved down to my waist and turned me towards him. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his beautiful eyes. He was already looking back at me. We just stood there and looked at each other for what felt like forever but was only 5 minuets. I then laid my head on his chest and yawned a little. He then picked me up and carried me to my bed, laid me down then he sat next to me and took his shoes off and turned my lamp off. Then got in the bed laid down then pulled me close to him so that there was no space in between us.

I look up at him and kissed his lips then drifted off into sleep.

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