Chapter 24 - Epilouge

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•Alex P.O.V.•
** 4 Year's later **

•** 4 Year's later **

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(Aidan and Ava)

"Ava dear please sit still, it will only take a few moments"

"ʻAʻole, ke inaina nei au i kēiaʻano lauoho (no, I hate this hair style)" I've been trying to do her hair for the past 20 minuets and she will not be still for nothing. "If you be still I will get kupuna (grandpa) to give you a ride on his wolf" her big gray eyes looks back at me and smiles. She loves his wolf as much as I did as a child. His and Ash.

She turns around and I quickly fix her hair, "i laila ua hanaʻia (there, all done)" she hops off my lap and turns towards me, "You promise makuahine (mother)" she's just like me, can always tell when someone is not telling the truth, "Yes my love, I promise" she climbs back on me and kisses my forehead and them moves down so that I can kiss hers. That's how we make promises.

"makuahine makuahine! (mother mother)" I look behind Ava and I see Aiden running towards me with Harper right behind him. "What's wrong my love?" I gather him in my arms and he lays his head down on my chest. "He's trying to get me!" I look up at Harper and he's just standing there with his arms crossed, "What happened?" I asked looking at both of them.

"Tell your mother what you did" Harper says looking down at Ava who's looking up at him with the biggest smile on her face, "e hele mai iʻaneʻi, ke kaikamahine wahine (come here princess)" she runs to him and jumps up into his arms, "He aliʻi maikaʻiʻoe? (Have you been good princess)"

"Yes makuakāne (father)" he kisses her head then looks back at Aidan, "I uh, threw my knife into the couch and cut up the pillows"

"Aidan Roman Athen! What have we told you about that, you only practice throwing your knives in the training room" he looks up at me with his puppy dog eyes, "E kala mai i ka makuahine (I'm sorry mama)"

"Where are they?" I ask holding out my hand for his throwing knives. He climbs down off of me and lifts both pant legs and get his knives out of the pocket holder and hands them to me, "You can get them back when you've learned your lesson, and you will have an extra hour of training today, am I understood?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Now go with your father and get ready to go to your grandparents house" he comes to me and gives me a hug and I kiss his head, "Come Aidan" Harper says holding out his hand for him to take. "Ava, go get your shoes on dear" she looks at me with a shocked face, she hates warring shoes just like I do, "Do I have to?"

"Yes, you can ware your flip flops so they will be easy to take off" she runs out of my room and down the hall to her's and her brothers room.

Moments later they both come back into my room with their father behind them smiling.

"Are you ready my love" Harper says sitting next to me kissing my cheek. "Yes, is everybody else?"

"Yes, their all ready...just waiting on us" I nod my head and he helps me up. I take Aidan's hand and Ava goes with her father and we all walk down the stairs to the center of the house where everyone was, "Jason!" I hear Ava yell out and run towards him, he bends down and picks her up, "Hey there little princess, you look beautiful in your dress"

"Thank you, mama made me ware it but I want to ware shorts and a t-shirt" he smiles and looks at me, "Like mother like daughter" I just smile and laugh at him. He kisses her cheek and sits her back down, then she runs to Ash, "E ka makua, hiki hiki iaʻu ke holo i kou wolf i kahi kupuna wahine a me kaʻohana makuahine (uncle, can I ride your wolf to grandma and grandpas house)"

"You know I would let you in a heart beat but that's up to your mother and father sweetheart" she looks at Harper with puppy dog eyes, "Fine, but be careful okay?" She runs to him and hugs his legs then back to Ash, "Wait here" he says kissing her head. Soon as Taylor comes around the corner Aiden  runs to her, "Untie Taylor can I ride your wolf to grandmas house?" She looks at me and I nod my head yes. "Yes you can my little warrior, wait here and when you come outside I'll be waiting okay" he smiles hard.

"Hey, where's August?" I ask referring to their daughter. "With your parents, Ash dropped her off this morning while they were running" she says before she walks out the door. 

The kids take their shoes off and hands them to me and I put them in their bag.

"Jaxon are they ready?" I ask and then I see his eyes glaze over asking them, "Yeah, their ready" and with that, the twins sprint outside and hop on Ash and Taylor. Soon as everyone hopped into the cars, everyone took off to the pack house.

We arrive at the pack house and everyone is down at the beach, "Go and say hello to your grandparents" before they ran down to the beach Ava asked, "Your still going to ask him?" I bend down and kiss her head, "Yes my love, now go" she gives me a smile then take off down to the beach and we all walk after them.

The closer we get the more of my nieces and nephews comes and hugs me, Issac and Ryan even brought their three kids. It's just a family gathering, nothing serious. Just a time we get together so that all the kids can play together and we all get to catch up.

"So I was told by a beautiful young lady that I am to give her a ride later on tonight" my father said giving me a hug and a kiss on my head, "I promised her that I would ask you if she held still while I did her hair"

"You mean bribed her"

"Yes, just how mama used to bribe me" he chuckles deep in his chest and then looks out at the kids, "I'll do anything for her so yes, I'll give her a ride before you all leave tonight"

"Thank you father" he gives me a nod and we look out at the kids and I see Tristan teaching Aidan how to surf a little wave on the shore. And see Ava playing with her little cousins while they are in wolf form. Jaxon and China had two little boys last year, Ash and Taylor had a little boy a year after the twins were born and a little girl last year, Brandon and Jaine had a little boy and two little girls after him, Tristan and Leah had two little girls, Morgan and Luke had triplets two boys and a girl, Tyler and Jordan found their mates two years ago and they are both expecting along with Amaria and Mike are expecting.

I sit in between my mother and father and we all just watch as everyone talks and plays in the water, even Logan and Skyler are out playing. My family, my life, everything is just perfect

                            The End

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