Chapter 16

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•Alex P.O.V.•

I walk into the backside of the house and snook up to my room, I didn't want mother and father to ask any questions.

Soon as I walked in my room I walked straight to the bathroom and turned the hot water on in the tub. Soon as it was filled, I took my clothes off and got inside and just sat there. The hot water felt good on my bones especially my ribs, he didn't brake any but at least two of them are fractured. I may heal fast but my bones does take a while to heal themselves, so I just might be hurting there for the rest of the day.

I lean my head back on the pillow that's built into the tub and just sat there with my eyes closed.

Next thing I know, I feel someone kiss my head, I open my eyes and it's Harper. I totally forgot to text him and tell him I was done. I guess I fell asleep in the tub because the water was cold and it was now dark outside.

"What's wrong?" He asked grabbing my towel from the cabinet. "Nothing, I guess I was still tired, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you when I was done"

"It's alright my love, come lets get you out of that cold water" he leaned down and I reached up to wrap my arms around his shoulders but I quickly regretted that, I forgot all about my ribs and winced in pain. He looked at me then down at my body and saw bruises. I saw his eyes turn crimson but he kept himself calm enough to help me out the tub and to my bed.

He gently sat me down then walked into my closet and got a house dress...something easy for me to put on.

Once he helped me into it, he took a step back and looked at me

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Once he helped me into it, he took a step back and looked at me. "Who did this to you?"

"Babe, it's alright okay. I had training today. Jaxon and I were just letting out our frustration"

"He had so much anger against you that he fractured your ribs!?" He shouted at me. I slowly got up and walked towards him and put my hand on his chest and felt him calm down. "My love, I am not hurt alright....I'm fine"

"He shouldn't be allowed to hurt you like that"

"That's how we train love and plus, you should see what I did to him. Trust me, compared to what I did to him, this is just a bee sting" he looked down at me and raised his eyebrow in question. I softly laughed and stated, "I broke his arm in three places, broke two of his ribs, his nose, and busted his lip and eyebrow" he looked at me in shock, "Damn! Your my little worrier Goddess" I just smile and blush at him and put my face in his chest.

He lifted my head with his finders so that I could look at him, "What have I told you about hiding yourself from me?" He asks in his deep husky voice. "I'm sorry" I prop up on my tippy toes and kiss his big pink lips. "Come, I have a surprise for you" he lead me towards my window and crawled out of it then helped me out. We walked down the beach for a minute or two then I saw candles and a blanket laid out on the ground. I looked up at him and smiled, as we got closer, I started to hear music. One we got there, we sat down on the blanket and talked, we just talked and talked for what felt like forever then we just stared at each other.

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