Chapter 06 - The sept - Part 02

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"Can you explain to the idiot by my side, and what does this damn sect and this white-handed symbol mean?" Helena said without patience.

"You'd better sit down," the receptionist said, looking at Helena and Roger, and they sat down.

The other students were attentive to the conversation as well. Practically the entire library would hear what the receptionist would say.

"There's a sect that's been at Imperial College for over a decade," said the receptionist. "This sect is made up of Imperial College students from every class. These students belong to the elite families of London or other cities in the UK. They are children of politicians, lawyers, businessmen, doctors, engineers, etc. Family children who have lots of money, high society. And they do not accept scholarship students at Imperial College, such as Helena and Roger. They do not think they should have fellows because they are students who can not afford to study at a reputed college. For them, only the students of the elite, high society are welcome here, for the teaching institution not to lose the prestige of the ancestors, because in the old days, only studied here who had a lot of money, had no scholarship and they want keep this. They terrorize fellows. Some scholars from previous years did not take the pressure because they threatened these students. Many students gave up. It is said that some were threatened with death. Others were able to graduate, due to a lot of resistance, but they took great risks as well.

"This is ridiculous, it's absurd," Roger said. "It's unacceptable that they do not accept scholarship students. So the institution is controlled by a group of students who are banked by parents at all? It can not be true.

"And how do you know if this is a lie or a truth?" Helena asked.

- Are you doubting, Lena? Pamela asked. "That's true. I say this, because a friend of my cousin studied five years ago here at Imperial College. He studied chemistry and graduated, but he was threatened with death, even made a joke with him, once. They sent him a letter, an anonymous letter, for him to go to the college sports gym, to the pool, because there was a girl waiting for him, a girl he liked. The sect knew everything about this student's life. The scholarship student was and when he got there, there was no girl and they pushed him into the pool without him seeing who it was. The scholarship student began to drown because he could not swim. Luckily, at that moment, a student from another room, was going to the pool to take a swim and he was taken away, it was for him to have died drowned. He knew it had been the sect, for they left a black card with the white hand symbol and he received other threatening letters telling him to give up the course, as scholars were not accepted at Imperial College. After all, he did not give up, went to the end with the course. Coordination of the faculty, like the Rectory do not believe in the sect, think that it is the invention of the students and that everything that happens to the students, like the one who almost drowned was just a joke in bad taste, they never thoroughly researched about it.

Roger and Helena looked at each other in amazement, and the receptionist said,

"Everything Pamela said is true. The sect is composed of many students, no one knows for sure how, perhaps twenty, thirty students and they have students of various courses. For example, there may be two or three students who study Biology and are part of the sect, there are students in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, etc. Of all the courses offered in college. That is, there are biology students in the sect and they are eyeing the scholars.

"I'm a fellow student too." Vivian approached, worried, and Helena hugged her to reassure her. "They'll come after me too."

"Possibly yes," the receptionist said. "They've already sent the message to Helena and Roger, after all, they're first-year biology students who stand out for the Homeric fights in the Biology building."

Helena and Roger looked at her, seriously. The receptionist looked embarrassed at what she had said.

"Soon they will come after you, Vivian," said the receptionist.

" Does this ridiculous sect consist only of men, or are there women in this group as well?" Helena asked.

"There are reports that there are also women in the sect," said the receptionist.

" Well, I say this will not happen, Vivian , nothing bad will happen to you ," Helena said, hugging her college friend. "No need to be afraid, we'll be together. I will not let anything bad happen to us or to Roger's idiot. We'll investigate this goddamn sect.

"Are you worried about me, kitten?" Roger said with a sarcastic smile.

"This is no time for irony, Taylor. I really will not let anything bad happen to you either, because this is unfair, this sect is ridiculous, it is unfair. It is absurd to have no more scholarship student because of a group of retarded students, brainless, banked by parents, which is part of high society, if they feel the s owner s of the institution, giving no opportunity for students with fewer financial resources, this is absurd, we are in the twentieth century and not allow this kind of oppression - said Helena revolt and at that moment she disposed of her friend's embrace and climbed a library chair.

"Crazy, what are you doing?" Roger asked. "Come down from there, soon the coordination of the faculty will come here, because we are all talking loud and will come to you standing on the chair.

"Let the coordination, the rectory, whoever it is," Helena said, looking at all the students in the library. "If this cursed sect really exists, surely some of those students here in the library are part of it, are not they?" I'm sure it does. Maybe even some of our classmates, Taylor and Vivian are part of the sect and we still do not know , or biology students from other rooms, because, I say one thing: I'm not afraid of this sect, I'm not afraid of the idiots who is part of it. Go deep, search about my life, what I like to do, where I live, what I like ice cream with chocolate covered flakes, that I love Rock and Roll, research everything about me and if they are men or women of Truth be told, show your face, slap your face and do not hide like cowards. Because that's what you are, a group of cowards, scoundrels, bad character. And do not be homeless, for Christ's sake, wanting to depend on Daddy or Mommy for life or wait for the allowance.

The students, from several mixed courses, were in the library, looking at Helen in an impressed way. The young brunette really is not afraid of danger and exposing herself that way. The receptionist, Vivian, Roger, and some groups of students applauded what Helena said and others whispered how crazy she is. But Helena did not care, she knew she had to do something.She will not accept that the sect threatens her, as well as Vivian and Roger. The three are the only scholarship holders in the 1st.B room.

Helena got off the chair and went back to doing her biology work with Vivian. Before she left, Roger pulled her arm.

- Are you crazy, Taylor? Can you let me go? She said looking at him.

- Helena, I was thinking the following, Brian, had always been a Physics student at Imperial College and he had always been a scholarship holder and now studies PHD in Astrophysics and got through scholarship. He may know of something. "Roger looked at the brunette. Maybe he can help us.

"You're right, Taylor," said the brunette. "Brian should tell you everything he knows.

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