Chapter 29 - The Election .

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Friday, November 17, 1972.

At that moment, during the interval of classes in the building of Biology, in the great courtyard of the faculty, are present the coordinators of the course, like the Rectory. They will give the result of the Student Guild election that had been held over the last few days. In the final, they were disputing the group of Helena and Roger. They looked at each other in anger. Everything had gone back to normal as before, with Helena and Roger barking. And both his group and her group were loving it, for they thought among themselves that the two together would not be strong but weak.

"We're here with the paper, which will show the grand prize winner for the Student Guild," said one of the faculty coordinators. "Are you curious to know who the winner is?"

"Yes," shouted the students.

Next to Roger was Alan and Pamela and next to Helena, Kraus and Vivian. Helena was not happy, in fact, she wanted Roger to forgive her and maybe the two of them became friends, even if they were hidden from the sect, but the blonde did not forgive the brunette's omission. Roger wanted Helena to tell him what was going on and who could help her. John had told Freddie, Brian, Chrissy, Mary, Tim and Clare, Roger's sister what had happened and they were all penalized by Helena and they stayed with her again, understanding why she had done all this and they were asking that Roger would forgive her, without success. Josephine, Roger's girlfriend, loved that her boyfriend and Helena were no longer friends and grinned over it. As for Helena, she said that she would never again humble herself again, apologizing to Roger, for, whatever she had to say, she told him.

"So come on, we'll see, who finally won the 1972 Student Guild election, to start work from next February in college," said the coordinator, opening the envelope. "And the winner was: .

The coordinator looked intently at the paper.

"What is not possible?" Asked the dean.

The coordinator showed the role to the Rector who also looked startled.

"Can we know what's going on?" Alan asked impatiently. "The students want to know.

"We have to inform all the students that there should be new elections," said the Rector.

- New elections? It's because? Helena asked.

"Because both your group and Roger's party tied for the election." 50% for each - The Rector said - Either there will be new elections or we should find a new way to resolve this.

At that moment a great buzz began in the courtyard between the group of Roger and Helena and students argued.

"Silence, please," the Rector asked, looking at the students.

Roger and Helena glared at each other.

- Or you should have new elections, or else the two groups can work together, they can split the presidency in the Student Guild, Roger and Helena, after all, they are the most intelligent students of Biology and could work together, to improve the rights of students in college, "said the Rector.

Some students were in favor, of the union of Roger and Helena like presidents, in spite of the differences between them.

"Forget the differences, work together," said many students.

"We demand new elections," said other students .

Helena and Roger looked at each other.

"And what will you decide, Lena?" Kraus looked at the brunette.

"I do not know, I'm very stressed about a lot of things, especially with this damn election. I have to study for semester final college exams, I have work as a photographer in the magazine, I still volunteer at the orphanage and this election has taken a lot of my time - Said Helena to Kraus and then looked at the students.

"Well, I accept new elections, it's inconceivable that my group, the Taylor gang has tied with the group of this girl who only knits," Roger said with disdain and arrogance. "Well, that's what they do, knit, has perfect ideas for working for the rights of students.

Helena furiously approached one of the coordinators of the Biology course and asked for the microphone.

"I'm tired of this election, I have other things to worry about and solve, so I give up on a new election and I think it's inconceivable to have to divide the presidency with a head of wind like Roger, a total brainless. It is dangerous to become an epidemic and I become brainless too, with so much conviviality.

Roger looked at her angrily.

- So I inform everyone that I give up on a new election and that the brainless Taylor gang is elected the winner - Helena said looking at Roger - Roger Meddows Taylor will be the new president of the Biology Student Guild next year, congratulations Roger. I hope that it will solve the problem of the mobility of students who depend on the wheelchair, the question of the college bakery, the food supply and a new, much more modern and equipped laboratory for students and teachers. Well, I, I will demand this of you and hope that the other students present will also demand it, will not I?

The students shouted, saying that they will support Roger in the Student Guild presidency, but that they will charge him for many changes. Helena went back to her group and Vivian applauded her and Kraus approached her.

"Helena, are you crazy to do that?" "You wanted the presidency so bad."

"Of course I'm not crazy, Kraus," Helena smiled. "Roger will not stand the pressure and will not fulfill 1/3 of what he promised in the campaign. In a short time he will be dismissed from the position and they will, of course, ask me to take the job. Roger does not have the ability to lead the Student Guild. I have ability, he does not.

Helena looked at Roger and smiled sarcastically. Roger looked at Helena thoughtfully, for the blonde was not happy with the result, even Helena giving up the job.

"Helena is up, Alan, I feel it, I do not like that sarcastic smile of hers, I never liked it." Roger looked at Helena with deep disgust.

Both Helena and Roger did not know, but among the students who were accompanying the announcement of the election was the president of the sect, who watched all smiling, looking sharply at Helena, the scholar. The president of the sect, he struggled with his heart to take away the feelings of love he felt for the brunette, but it was increasingly impossible. He fought against himself, after all, she is a student stockbroker and he does not wish to harm her, but, as for Roger, he will hurt, at the right moment, even if Helena did everything and not be Roger's friend anymore.

To be continued.

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