Chapter 20 - New Times - Part 02

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"Why this sudden change in wanting my forgiveness?" Do you want to do something with me and I still do not know? Helena asked.

"Of course not," Roger said, looking at her. "For God's sake, Helena, do not think bullshit. I'm just recognizing my mistakes with you, how I flinched you and damn, I swear to you from the heart that I'm trying to be a better person. Life has taught me the main things. Of course I really want to succeed with QUEEN, to be a great drummer for a successful band, but in this world there are many other priorities and I'm trying to rescue and one of them is truth, respect and forgiveness. As I said, I have my faults, but, I'm not a monster like you think. Whatever happened to Alan, my judgment, made me reflect through life, I could have been tried and arrested, without having my freedom back, to have missed the opportunity with QUEEN. I reflected on many things, Helena and for my vanity, idiocy, almost put everything to lose. Thankfully I woke up in time for this and Alan forgave me and today we are great friends and I really want his good. And I'm here recognizing my mistake and asking for forgiveness for you, for saying horrible things to you, for treating you badly, I swear I'm not like that every day, of course sometimes I get angry, I have my annoying moments , but I am not mistreating people, Helena, with you it was an exception and I need your forgiveness to continue trying my change and as for you and your thinking of judging people I finally forgive you, regarding everything that you said of Alan's trial, that I would be guilty, without really knowing the truth.

Helena listened quietly, but she knew how unfair she was.

"I know that I have wronged you too, judging you, and I know how abominable it is, and I am not judging people either, it is not my nature, but with you I lost my temper, we provoked ourselves, and I Finally he said horrible things about you, because it was my intention to provoke him, for all he had said to me, "Helena commented, looking at him.

"Please forgive me, just as I forgive you for everything you said to me when you did not know me?" He asked her. - You are a good person, I already know your good side, Helena and you are not just a pretty face, you are a strong, fair, incredible, intelligent girl and this I was gradually recognizing, with the passage of time . In fact, I never hated you, I just annoyed you, I just teased you.

Helena looked at Roger and realized that the blonde was being truthful in the words, she felt the truth in his word and in his gaze and finally the brunette touched the rough hands of the blonde as he played the drums.

"You're not a monster," she said, eyeing him with tears in her eyes. "All she said was always to hit him. I never really hated you, I just had my pride wounded, you said horrible things to me, you, you treated me badly. I know deep down, you're good, you're a good boy, smart, fair and you're in search of your dreams and I forgive you, I forgive you for everything you've told me, like you forgave me too.

Roger looked at her and touched her hands and caressed Helena's soft hands . They both looked at each other tenderly and hugged each other, strong and Helena wept in Roger's arms and the blond stroked his black hair.

"Calm down, brunette, calm your heart," the boy said tenderly trying to calm her down, for Helena was crying like a child.

She was suffering a lot and Roger caressed her soft hair.

"Now tell me, what ails you, what happened to you to be so sad?" He asked her.

- My paternal grandfather, who lives in Brazil, he died yesterday of heart attack and he was already sick for a while - She said crying a lot - I was very attached to him. My grandfather is gone, Roger.

"I'm sorry , Helena ," Roger said, hugging her harder and kissing the top of her head. "You can cry, Helena, cry at ease, I'm here with you, to give you some strength. Your pain will decrease over time. He cries, he overflows his pain. This moment is very sad, very sad, but you are a very strong girl and will certainly give strength to your parents.

Helena looked at him for a moment and said,

"Thank you for being with me now, Roger.

"You can call me Rog," he told her and smiled and ran his hand through her hair and kissed her cheek. "It's new times from today, and I want to be your friend . Want to be my friend?

Helena looked at him and touched his face to Roger's chest.

"Yes, I want to be your friend, Rog, " she finally said. "And you can call me Lena or Leninha." ❤❤ ❤
 Roger smiled beautifully at him and kissed Helena's hair and he held her until the young girl soothed his heart.

To be continued.

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