Chapter 25 - It Was All A Lie - Final Part.

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At the end of the class, around 10 o'clock in the morning, students in the Biology building usually go to a small courtyard to listen to music and talk about Student Themes, including the groups' campaigns have already started and the election will be on end of November. The Helena and Roger groups are working together for the Student Guild and as has been said, Helena is also writing for the Imperial College newspaper the subjects of the Biology course.

Roger was very annoyed with Helena. As soon as the break started the brunette quickly left the classroom. The blonde decided to stay in the classroom, reading a little more the book of Genetics, for the test they would do that same week.

"Rog, let's have some coffee," Alan said.

"Thanks Alan, but I'll read the Genetics book a bit more," Roger said. "Go with Pamela to have your coffee.

"Ok brother, see you later," Alan said.

"Even Alan," Roger said.

The blonde was immersed in the reading, when a short time later, Alan returned to the classroom with a worried face.

"What happened, Alan?" Roger asked, looking at his friend.

Alan then handed Roger a copy of the Biology course paper Helena writes.

"See what Helena wrote in the paper about Roger," Alan said. "And everyone is getting the copy and they are commenting on the patio."

Roger picked up the paper, with the article Helena had written. And it was like this:

''It was all a lie''.

'' Did you really think that I would really be friends with Roger? I never supported Roger, I never liked him and I have my very strong motives for it. I've always found him arrogant, arrogant, unhappy, an untalented person who is only in QUEEN as a drummer for the band because of his handsome face, because competence and talent are lacking, of course. Roger is simply disposable in QUEEN and only Freddie, Brian and John did not realize it. Roger is a womanizer without regeneration, has a girlfriend, but has been with many girls from Imperial College and other colleges. He's a sexist, sexist, son of a bitch who does not deserve the respect of women. He deserves in fact being alone for the rest of his life and having solitude as his company. He should have been convicted, for all he did to poor Alan. Now you ask me: why did I pretend to be his friend the whole time? Simple. I just wanted to know your strengths and weaknesses to use for myself to run the candidacy of the Student Guild presidency. For that I used Roger, I pretended to be his friend and I had forgiven him for everything he did to me in the past. But the truth is that I have not forgiven him and as I now know his strengths and weaknesses and I see that he is disposable, I will tell everyone: it was all a lie. It was all a lie, my friendship with Roger. Starting today, I will be ending the partnership with the Taylor gang to compete together with the Student Guild. From today I want to say that I'm going to compete alone with my group. It was good while it lasted this fake partnership. After all, it was all lies. ''

Roger finished reading the article and did not believe Helena had written all this. Roger's eyes filled with tears. It's not possible that he was so wrong with her. Alan looked at him in pain.

"I'm sorry, Roger," the boy said to his friend.

Roger put his college supplies in his backpack and left with Alan, toward the small courtyard of the Biology building. As he passed all the students in the other rooms of Biology whispered about him and Helena. Roger was angry and disappointed. Some of the Taylor gang itself smiled at the blonde's misfortune , for many did not agree that Roger was a friend of Helena's, for they feared that this friendship would be detrimental to Roger, and many people in Helena's group thought the same thing, that this friendship would be harmful to the brunette.

As soon as Roger reached the small courtyard with Alan, he saw Helen and Kraus, smiling, near the small stage. All the students were with the newspaper and read what Helena had written.

"Look who showed up," Helena said smiling. "Roger Meddows Taylor, let's applaud him, for his naivete to believe that I would be his real friend. I just used you, darling, to win the sympathy of the people in your own gang and, of course, figure out your weaknesses, then I will run against you in the Student Guild election at the end of the month. And you see Kraus, I won the bet on you, because, you thought I could not be friends with Roger, even for a short period.

"Congratulations on getting it, Helena, you really did it," smiled Kraus to Helena.

Helena looked at Roger, smiling vengefully, Machiavellian, and Kraus was with her. Roger looked at the brunette with such grief and disappointment.

Roger stared at her with fury in his eyes and much pain.

- I confess I believed it. I believed until the very last minute that we were real friends, but as of today you do not fool me anymore. You who are a monster, of the worst kind, a whore, a whore without a heart. I have compassion on the guy who one day falls in love with you or want to be your real friend. You who are selfish, arrogant, and lying in the worst kind, Helena. You are a deceit, an abominable human being. Roger said those words with tears in his eyes and quickly left the courtyard, heading toward the college.

Alan followed him and pulled him by the arm.

"Rog, please calm down, do not go, you can not drive, man, please calm down and stay to watch the rest of the class," Alan asked worriedly.

"Alan, I can not attend the next classes and look at her, who has pretended to be my friend, to look at the others who whisper about me. Tomorrow is a new day, but for the rest of today, I need to be alone. Please write down the rest of the material for me and then I'll pick you up. "Roger cried.

Alan hugged Roger concerned and Roger returned the hug.

"For you to see how things are, I never thought we could be friends, I've mistreated you so much and today we're friends and you're giving me support in such a difficult time." Roger cried. "I'll be eternally grateful to you, Alan, for all.

"I always admired you, Rog, even when you thought I was a complete idiot," Alan said. "My friend, go home carefully and cool your head. I'll take satisfaction from Helena.

"Not Alan, do not do that. I'll do it later, myself, that heartless liar will pay dearly for everything she did to me - said Roger hugging Alan and leaving quickly.

Roger went to the parking lot and got into his car, crying. The blond turned on the vehicle and sped off into the streets of London, driving at high speed, dangerously. All the way to the Kensington Market Roger wanted to talk to Freddie, the blonde was driving in a crazy way, committing a lot of traffic offenses and making a left turn, singing tire at high speed, he realized that the The signal ahead was red and the cars were stopping.

"DRUG!" The blonde shouted inside his vehicle and tried to divert the car that was already stopping in front of him.

Roger managed to deflect from hitting the back of the front car, but the blonde headed for a pole with his car, losing control of the vehicle.

Roger crashed his vehicle into a post with great impact.

To be continued.

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