Hiccups POV
It was 6:30 pm. I was in my room trying to find something to wear. By 6:40 I decided on a simple Viking armor. It was the armor that I had during me and toothlesses test rides. The armor was the one with the pop up fin and pop out wings. I knew Astrid would bring back memories. I would have her braid like those small back hairs that I sometimes had braided. I went outside and went to toothless who had just finished his dinner.
"Hey bud. Me and Astrid are finally going on a date. Your gonna while I'm on the date hang out with Stormfly. Ok?"
He jumped up and down nodding his head yes as he replied"Rawrghhhh. Raweghh! Raghhhrr."
which Basically means yes I'd love to. Have fun on your date.
I smiled and realized it was 6:50. Oh no! I'm gonna be late.
"Come on bud! lets go pick up Astrid." I said before mounting.
"Then we go pick up the food alright bud? lets go!"
Astrid's POV
It was 6 pm. I had ruffnut and tuffnut and fish legs and snoutlout here to tell me how I looked. And after my fifth outfit I couldn't find anything that went good.
"This is useless guys. I can't find anything perfect to wear!" I complained.
" I mean first how do I ride a dragon while riding a dress?
Second how do sit or that stuff with a dress? why not just my regular outfit?""BECAUSE THIS IS A DATE. " They all yelled at the same time.
"Astrid if you haven't noticed a date is formal. And since this is your boyfriend you can just like not wear a dress!" snoutlout said.
Wow I never knew he knew this kinda stuff.
"In plus Astrid we've never seen you In a dress!" said fishlegs.
I whipped my head back so fast he jumped. I was getting mad and feeling violent like.
"That's the whole point!" I snapped back. At six thirty I finally decided it would be a blue dress that matches my eyes. My hair was french braided. There was a knock on the door at 6:55. But before I could open it i heard hiccups voice say:"Don't open the door have fishlegs do it. And have snoutlout have you look the opposite way. Fishlegs Im going to give you a bandana. I need you to blindfold Astrid . Then take her to me to braid the back prices of my hair. "
"Then Astrid I'm going to take you on toothless. You will still be blindfolded. Stormfly will be coming too.""Alright let's go!"
I did as he said.When the door opened. I heard a gasp. Then a loss for words. Even though I was blindfolded I could imagine his face and smirked. He finally spoke,
"Astrid... you.. look phenomenally beautiful. "
While making his two small braids I wondered what he looked like. After he stood up and took my hand and led me out the door.
Hiccstrid A Romance
FanfictionAFTER HTTYD 2 This is about Hiccup and Astrids adventures and what they do once Drago Bludvist is defeated. But there's more than what meets the eye. Will they make it through everything life throws at them? Will they get married? Or not? Read to fi...