Warning. Chapter has violence. Rated pg-13
That night
Astrids POV.
I was talking to Hiccup. When out of he blue he said,
"I'm ready to tell you. "
I nodded, and said,
"Go on. "
"Well violet was the one who captured me. She said she wanted to marry me and uh..."
"Have kids. " He finished.
My eyes grew big.
"But we didnt. She hit me with a bat and I lost consciousness. When I woke up I was chained to the wall and in a straight jacket. She. Tortured me. "
He finished.
"How?" I asked.
He started to turn red my assumption because of shame. Tears slowly crept down his face.
I turned his chin towards me and whispered,
"I don't care what you guys did. I'm always going to love you even after you tell me this, ok? so wipe those tears away. " I said while our foreheads touched, and I wiped the tears away.
He took a deep breath and said,
"She kissed me. Three times. One on the cheek two on the lips. I tried to avoid them but I couldn't move. I'm so sorry. " He burst into more tears. I knew it wasn't his fault. So I hugged him, his head on my shoulder while saying,
"Hey. It's not your fault. Don't be sorry. I love you. I love you so much Hiccup. It's ok. " I kissed him on the lips. He kissed back a bit surprised. It was a long kiss. Then he spoke again,
"I finally broke out of the straight jacket and beat her up. I brought here. "
My eyes widened. I quickly said,
"Can I get my revenge? where is she. No girl hurts my husband and gets away with it." when I said the last part I growled. He laughed and said,
"She's under house arrest with gobber. " I laughed.
"That must also be torture. I'm going to go have some revenge, ok? you stay here. " I called toothless to keep him company. This might take awhile. I ran to gobber and asked him where she was. He pointed to the cellar. And I laughed. I entered the cellar and the moment I did her eyes grew wide with fear. "
"You hurt him. (Excuse my French please) you female dog!!!!! you scarred him for life!!! I'm gonna freaking kill you and smear your blood on this wall!!!" I growled. She started shaking and peeped,
"But I just want him. I'm jealous!"
That did it. I ran up to her and smacked her across the face. Hard. Then closed the cellar door. And I took her chains off.
"Lets fight. " I said.
I took out my axe and gave her my mini axe thing. I play fair. Sometimes.
I ran to her and beat the crap out of her. She managed to cut my arm a bit but I was going ballistic thinking of Hiccup. I dropped my axe and kept punching her. She tried to fight back but it was no use.
"This is for spiking him in the shoulder!"
"This is for kissing his cheek!"
"This is for kissing him on the lips!" I said each time I punched her.
By the time I was finished my fists were a little bloody. She was bleeding but not profoundly. She was siting on the ground trying to get up but was failing because she was dizzy. I held out my hand and she grabbed it. I helped up saying,
"This is for the time you helped Hiccup and I. But that's it. " I walked away once she was standing up.
"Astrid. Heather knows I'm kidnapped. And by the way, I have to things to tell you, first, Hiccup is a great kisser. Second your a (excuse the French) B*tch. "
I turned around,
"I was nice to you once. that is how you repay me?" I took my axe and swung it to her head side ways (the blade was facing down) and knocked her head. She fell to the ground unconscious. I remembered something I wanted to do for the kicks of it so I ran up to Gobber and asked him to give me 13 pounds of pure sugar. He gave my 13 bags (1 bag weighs 1 pound) and opened them and dumped them in her. I made sure though her head was free of sugar because I didn't want to kill her yet. She needed to have her sister come and see her. By the time I was done she looked like she was laying in snow.
I walked away happy and as I climbed out I the cellar I went to my house and washed my hands. Yeah I was sort of sugar covered but I didn't care. I walked to hiccups house my shoulder still bleeding a bit but I didn't care. As soon as I walked in Valkas eyes nearly popped out of her head.
"What happened?"
"Revenge. " I replied happy.
So please comment what you thought of the chapter!!Anyways next up is...
Toothlesses POV!!

Hiccstrid A Romance
FanficAFTER HTTYD 2 This is about Hiccup and Astrids adventures and what they do once Drago Bludvist is defeated. But there's more than what meets the eye. Will they make it through everything life throws at them? Will they get married? Or not? Read to fi...