Instead of going to the ship and the outcast islands I went to the cove. I have no idea why. I just felt something tell me that I had to go to the cove. When I crash landed on the baby dragon I heard a noise. As I looked up I saw toothless. What was he doing here?
He seemed surprised to see me here too.
I thiught for ten minutes about everything that happened
Then an idea clicked about violet about everything. I grinned. But first I needed to do some errands.
"Hold on toothless do you know what happened to hiccup?"
He instantly replied,
"Rarfghhhhhrwwrtr. Errrr regghheerer. Rrrtrgfrttwwwwhhrrr. "
I looked at him a bit desperate.
"I'm sorry, but I can't understand you!"
By taking a stick and sort of drawing himself or what looked like a dragon and drawing little dashes that led to a human. Then he put a Circle around the human.
I thought for a couple moments. And realized he had something like a vision.
"Alright. So you had a vision?"
He nodded his head enthusiastically and licked me a couple times.
"Oh toothless you silly dragon!"
I got a major idea and whipped out my axe, (toothless jumped back a couple feet at this action, even though I told him i would never hurt a dragon.)
went to a tree and cut off a piece of bark. I then took out a stone and dug into the bark making a message. I took a vine from a willow tree nearby and tied it around the baby dragon. I then told him to go home. But he looked confused. I turned to toothless again.
"Can you go tell him to fly to snoutlout?"
He nodded and instantly conversed with the dragon. After they finished the dragon flew off. Then I asked toothless,
"Wanna go and save hiccup?"
He nodded,
"Alright but we have to go do something first."
I smiled mischievously. And we rode off to outcast islands.A/N
so hope you like it so far. In the 2 dragon books I'm gonna add Toothlesses POV. And in all I may add snoutlouts POV. It's your choice!
Snoutlouts POV of getting the letter.
Or do you want me to add Toothlesses POV just his perspective of this chapter, its gonna be funny in all?
Today I saw that 4,000 people had looked at my book. And I started crying. This means so much to me. So I thank Everyone who has ever looked at this book even those who just looked at the first chapter. And to those who vote and comment! it IS greatly appreciated.

Hiccstrid A Romance
FanficAFTER HTTYD 2 This is about Hiccup and Astrids adventures and what they do once Drago Bludvist is defeated. But there's more than what meets the eye. Will they make it through everything life throws at them? Will they get married? Or not? Read to fi...