The date Astrids pov

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He took my hand in his and guided me to toothless. He picked me up and then put me on toothless. After he got on I wrapped my hands around his waist. He leaned to toothless and said

"Alright bud. But be careful we don't want astrid to fly off."

Then I heard him mutter quieter

"What a sight that would be."

I... I was furious! how dare he say that! oh just wait hiccup. I will get my revenge once I get off toothless. Because if I did it now i probably would fly off. Either that or I'd punch him so hard he'd fly off. Now what a sight THAT would be.

The second we we landed hiccup got off. He came to me and lifted me gently off. The second he took off my bandana. I was amazed but I pushed it to the back of my mind. I turned around and punched him in the shoulder. While he was in pain I took the moment to be amazed where we were. It was at the cove. And he was wearing his toothless training outfit. Good times. Good times.

"Ack! what was that for astrid?"

"That's for laughing at that joke about if I fell off. "

I couldn't take it. This was an amazing date. So I grabbed his armor. And pulled him into a kiss. I

It was a nice kiss, passionate. I have to admit hiccup gives very "chiefly" kisses. In other words he's a great kisser. After we broke apart i said fondly,

"That is for this beautiful date."

"And I just LOVE that armor. " I said sort of sarcastic. But I quickly remember those memories.

"It brings the memories back."

I said while pressing the button that makes his fin pop up. I cracked up.

He laughed.

He then took my hand in his and said

"Let me show you your choices milady!".

"We can and your options are: stargaze, have a picnic on the grass or at the table, dance or any other idea you might have. "

I instantly knew what i wanted.

"Well I'd love to have the picnic and stargaze and after or before prehaps dragon race after all we never finished the last one!"

"That's a Great idea milady!" he replied

"Your welcome chief hiccup!" I answered.

"Alright milady let's get this date started! we shall start with the picnic in the grass!"

He replied taking my hand and leading me to the picnic set on the blanket. He opened the picnic basket and took out two plates of Schnitzel. I suddenly felt bad for hitting him. He knows my favorite food is schnitzel.

So that night we ate schnitzel under the stars. After we were done. He took my hand and made me stand up and said,

"Astrid, I know this is early. It seems like yesterday we just met. You sitting on that rock sharpening your axe. But not now just promise me you will." He got down on one knee.

"Will you someday just promise me you will marry me." I was speechless. Then i flet a prick in my back. Then I blacked out.


(In the Sloths voice from the Croods) (look up if you don't know: 《The Croods》- the cute sloth's "DaDaDa~"



Please don't be mad at me. I just had to do this. A twist for the best. You will see later

I promise I am also going to make a either very very like 3 chapter book or just make it a chapter in here INTERVIEW of astrid and hiccup there will be 5-10 questions they will answer i have 2 but you the reader if you want will contribute 3. If you don't want to I surely will. Please send me you questions you want to ask or comment in the box. Thank you to all readers. You have been great readers :) by the way I have a series book called together Forever!! it is waayyyy better than this book because I am more experienced!

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