I was about to get stormfly when I noticed something. Near the horizon. Where the dragon was flying. Were ships.
Crud. I ran to the town hall and rang the bells. Then went to hiccups mom Valka to tell her, once she opened the door I blurted,
"Hiccup was taken by a dragon. Dragos here and going to invade berk. I'm going after Hiccup. " I was about to leave when Valka caught my shoulder.
"No. Im sorry. I know you are married and everything, He can take care of himself, and berk needs help! We don't know what to do. Hiccup does. You too. "
She said sadly.
I nodded.
"Ok. "
I rounded up the gang and we flew on our dragons about where I was when I saw the ships. I noticed like the last war there were dragons in traps. I barked out orders,
"Ruff, tuff! you guys go make stuff explode, try the cannons or the grenades and stuff. " They raced off as I shouted more,
"Snoutlout, fishlegs go and try to free the dragons!" they, too flew off. That left me to...Eret, son of Eret.
He spoke first,
"Let me help you. "
That made me uncomfortable.
"Sure. Lets go find the leader and attack him. And hopefully find Hiccup. " I flew with Eret over the ships, when suddenly I was knocked off stormfly. I was falling as everything blacked out.Hiccups POV
I had to find Astrid. I knew something would happen. I was carried by the dragon to the bay. There stood. Violet. She WAS bad. As the dragon sat on me to keep me down I yelled,
"Violet! for Gobbers sake!! make your mind up!!!!!!"
"Well. I was only nice because drago thought you were dead. Now that he knows your alive he used us again. Also he mentioned something. "
My eyes widened.
"I have been jealous. I want you to be mine Hiccup! Forever! "
No. No. No. Was all that ran through my mind.
"If I helped capture you, you will become mine. Forever. You and I will become married!!" she continued squealing at the last part.
"And have kids" she added after a second.
"NO! NEVER! IM FREAKING AREADY MARRIED!" I yelled trying to escape. Where was toothless?
She laughed. Where WAS Toothless??
I was suddenly hit with a wooden bat. Making me loose consciousness.
When I woke up I was freaking chained to the wall. My arms. And feet. I was also put in a straight jacket. (Sort of like a body cast.)I was facing the wall suddenly violet entered.
"Hey handsome!" she said. She suddenly walked closer to me. I couldn't move. I hated her.
"I hate you so much no words can describe it. "
"I love you too babè. " She stood an inch away from me. I tried to jerk away by it was no use. Suddenly. She. KISSED ME ON THE LIPS. I jerked my head away and turned away tears streaming down my face. No. No. No.
THis was not right. I tried again to fight the straight jacket but again it was no use. I felt Totally helpless and venerable and Useless. I held my head down in shame. I tried to whistle for toothless but he didnt come.
"It's not gonna work babe. " She said while kissing my cheek. She ten kissed my lips again. Tears streamed down faster and faster.
That's when I lost it. I would kill her. Those kisses. Didnt belong to her. They belonged to Astrid. I went beserk.
"ARGHGHGGHHHHGGGGGG!!!!!!!!"I yelled fighting with all my might. I snapped the straight jacket off. Then the chains broke. I swung my fist and hit violet. hard. I continued beating her for a few seconds until her lips and eye was swollen and black and blue. I then got a good idea. I took the straight jacket and put her in it. I then whistled for toothless who came qiuckly. I exited with violet still holding her. I started flying back to berk. I wanted to use her as bait. I wanted to finish her for once and for all.
Hiccups POV next. You will see why. I promise you Astrid wasn't kidnapped.

Hiccstrid A Romance
أدب الهواةAFTER HTTYD 2 This is about Hiccup and Astrids adventures and what they do once Drago Bludvist is defeated. But there's more than what meets the eye. Will they make it through everything life throws at them? Will they get married? Or not? Read to fi...