It was snoggletog. I was getting ready and had just put on my armor. Astrid and I would be there at seven. Right now it was six. I looked in the mirror. Not half bad. I thought.
I walked to toothless. And slightly woke him up.
"Hey bud! Astrid and I are gonna go to the great hall to celebrate Snoggletog. What are your plans."Rawer gh regghheerer rarffgggghh. Rgghhg. Harrgghh. " (I'm going to breeding grounds. I have to protect the dragons. )
What?? I thought. Suddenly I felt sad for not giving him enough love he deserves. I vowed when he came back I would give him more love."That would mean you'd be away for a month!"
He nodded as I set his tail on automatic.
"Ok bud, but be careful. "
He suddenly gave me a big lick.
"Toothless you know that doesn't wash off!!" I said while he laughed at me.
I hugged him and scratched under his chin, and he rolled over.
He got up at the site of the call of the dragons. I gave him one more hug and he took of flying.
I went and changed into the other armor I had. It was very new so I didn't want it to get dirty.By then it was six thirty. I walked to a nearby shop to pick up my gift for astrid.
When I got to her house I knocked on the door saying.
"Hello my lady!"
She opened the door.
She was in her usual clothes. But her hair French braided.
"Are you ready milady??"
She smiled.
"Yes chief hiccup!"
And we went off to snoggletog.A/n
Thank you for those who read this far. But sadly I cannot make another Toothlesses POV because only 4 people messaged/commented, and the vote is split.
So I need more people to comment!!
So who wants toothless to join up with stormfly? comment below.
Who wants toothless to find another night fury??? comment below! thank you for reading my book so far.Sadly my readers have Been dropping in numbers. ;(.

Hiccstrid A Romance
FanfictionAFTER HTTYD 2 This is about Hiccup and Astrids adventures and what they do once Drago Bludvist is defeated. But there's more than what meets the eye. Will they make it through everything life throws at them? Will they get married? Or not? Read to fi...