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Astrid POV
I was dragged off by those guards and when they let me stand i did the most sensible thing I could think of. I hit both guards at the same time in the balls. They screamed like girls and They immediately let go.
I ran out trying somehow find hiccup. As if on que, I heard a Big Bang. After 3 minutes of getting there I found Hiccup sort of covered in blood. On the floor. I ran towards him. The guards had ran away. Not even two feet away from him was violet.

When I saw her I nearly lost it. But I HAD to control myself from ripping her apart.
Hiccups life depended on me if I did or didn't. I picked hiccup up. Bridal style, crying. I ran outside and whistled for stormfly. While she was coming her I ripped part of my outfit to:
A make a makeshift sling
B: stop the bleeding.

On the way back to Berk I was crying. I was thinking of all of those memories together the dates all the love in the air. Gods, hiccup. something about him it just made me know I was gonna be ok. Ever since the beginning. That I wasn't a failure. That I was Loved.

Once I got off in berk I ran and kicked hiccups house door open. When someone you love is in danger you don't knock. It's called common sense. As I placed him on his bed and his mom came in she gasped. So I told her everything or at least what I knew.
While sitting on a chair next to hiccup

All I thought about was sweet revenge for violet. If revenge is sweet hers is gonna be 13 gallons of pure sugar.

Thank you for reading this. You guys, and girls are kick butt awesome!!!!!!

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