Hiccups POV.
I woke up to a knock at Astrids door. She jumped up and yelled,
"Give me a couple minutes!!" I watched her amused as she got dressed. She glared at me and I quickly stopped. She opened the door just a crack and said to her uncle,
They chatted for a little then she closed the door.
"Hiccup. Training time. "
"Wait now?" I replied.
It was her turn to smirk at me.
"Of course. When else. "
I quickly put on my armor and kissed her cheek.
She smiled as we walked down to the arena hand in hand.
Suddenly I heard a yell,
"Woohoo! it's the new Mr. And Mrs. Haddock!" Snoutlout. That pig.
I gave a glare to snoutlout. He quickly shut up. Astrid quickly kissed my cheek to calm me down. I smiled at her as I faced the group,
"We're going to discuss dragon secrets. " I announced.
"But we sort of did that with Astrid. " Fishlegs shouted.
"Well. We will do it properly." I replied. And so we started.
Later that day.
I was sitting at the cove mid afternoon with Astrid. We were just lying watching the clouds picking out shapes.
" I love you so much Hiccup."
"I love you more." I replied.
Later that night
After the "date" I was going to my house to get another gift for Astrid I had made a couple weeks ago. I realized my mom could be sleeping. I went in quickly and shut the door qiuetly behind me. The lights were off and right as I was to go to my room they flicked on. And standing there was mom. Oh dang it. She gave me a looks and said,
"Where have you been young man?" oh crud. She's mad.
"With Astrid. " I replied choosing my words carefully.
"Oh really? why you back so late?"
"So late?" I asked.
"You know exactly what I mean young man!" She snapped.
"Not exactly?" I said in a questioning tone.
"Where were you last night? and this morning. "
"Um... Astrids?" I replied.
"And? were you doing anything?" She asked slowly.
I groaned.
"Momm! really? I need to go get Astrids present. "
She suddenly said,
"Why don't Astrid and you come here and live here?"
"Mom! really! who said I was living there?" I said.
"I'm sorry Hiccup. Sometimes I forget your 21. "
"I will accept your offer then. We get the second bedroom and bathroom upstairs ok?" I said.
"Check with Astrid first dear. " I laughed. And ran out the door to go tell Astrid and present a gift.
Should they?
Or nah?
Shoutout to those who have read this far!! "

Hiccstrid A Romance
FanfictionAFTER HTTYD 2 This is about Hiccup and Astrids adventures and what they do once Drago Bludvist is defeated. But there's more than what meets the eye. Will they make it through everything life throws at them? Will they get married? Or not? Read to fi...