Astrids POV
So after I re wrapped his chest I noticed he was pale. The next thing I know he faints. I laugh thinking its usually me that faints. Then I realized why. He had lost a lot of blood. And if I didn't get him home fast enough he could die.
So I quickly got on Toothless and flew off home. After an hour we got back. By this time Hiccup was very pale and sweating. I knew this wasn't good. As I got off of Toothless holding Hiccup bridal style his mom ran up to me.
"Is Hiccup alright?"
"No. " I replied.
Valka took Hiccup from my arms and raced him to bed me quickly behind. As I sat with him I thought of how far we've come. We've had so many adventures a lot that seemed déjàvu. But through out those adventures our love for eachother has grown stronger. And we've become boyfriend and girlfriend.
Suddenly Valka left to go and help with cheif matters.
I sat by him staring at him. A bit weird but what can I say? I loved him. After a minute I leaned down and kissed his forehead. After I did so he stirred a bit mumbling. Qiucket than a Toothless on a sugar high he sat up. And for the second time we clashed heads.
"Oww!" we said unison.
He looked at me and said
"Yes?" I asked.
"We've got to stop doing this!"
I laughed and he smirked.
He then continued to tell me about what happened and after I told him what happened to me.Hiccups POV
I was dreaming. Dreaming about Astrid.
she kissed me. We then continued to talk, about what I have no idea. But suddenly she was stabbed as I watched her fall down I cried. Then I woke up.When I woke up I banged heads with someone.
"Oww" we both said.
I looked up to Astrid smirking.
"Astrid?" I asked.
"Yes?" she replied.
I grinned, "we've got to stop doing this!"
She smirked. And then laughed.
We then told eachother what exactly happened back at that prison place. After I asked,
"Astrid Hofferson?"
She grinned,
"Yes Hiccup?"
"Would you like to go on a date with me? a special date. Only you and me Milady!" I asked.
She jumped and hugged me.
"Oohh!!! I would love too!" after calming down, she gave me a kiss in the cheek.----
Astrids POV.
I was sitting in front of the mirror looking back breath taken.
"Is this really me?" I said outloud. I was wearing a strapless red dress. Viking dress. And my hair was down and curled.
"Yep babè and you look hot!!" Snoutlout said. I turned and smacked him. Three times.
'That's for hitting on me earlier twice and one for now!"
Suddenly ruff came stumbling in breathless,
"Hiccup is gonna be here in five minutes!!!"
"Good luck on your date Astrid!" fishlegs said to me. Yeah. I had the good 'ole gang here again.Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third is here for Milady!" He said.
"Well ya gonna have to take her from me!" snoutlout said before I could reply. I slapped his cheek.
"Shut up Snoutface!"
He shut up.
"Oh yea! Astrid, take a bag with your usual clothes. Half way through our date were gonna have a romantic flight. "
I smiled even though he couldn't see me. I did as he said then opened the door. There stood Hiccup his hair messy and a new Viking armor. He held out his arm
"Are you ready Milady?" he asked.
I giggled.
"You bet, chief Hiccup!"
And with that, we went off to go have the best date ever.---------
Shout out time!
Thanks for being AWESOME!!
@WinterDragons thanks for everything! Your awesome too!
@books_r_good you rock!
@RachaelElizabethDare thanks for the votes!!There's a lot more people I want to thank!!! but I can't list them all!
Please know I would like to thank all my readers! so thanks for having swag and being awesome and reading voting and commenting!! its greatly appreciated!

Hiccstrid A Romance
FanfictionAFTER HTTYD 2 This is about Hiccup and Astrids adventures and what they do once Drago Bludvist is defeated. But there's more than what meets the eye. Will they make it through everything life throws at them? Will they get married? Or not? Read to fi...