Somebody that I Want to Know (Chapter Two)

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"Zayn Jawaad Malik. You're freaking all of us out. Would you please just come out and talk to us?"

The all too familiar Irish accent seemed to echo into Zayn's mind as he laid slumped in his room- his eyes boring lazily into the door in which Niall was on the other side off.

"Look, if this is about Liam- you know he's having problems in his love life, with Julia and Danielle and stuff. And he apologized for snapping at you. Is it even about Liam? And while we're at it, where did you go when you did leave? All of us out here are worrying our heads off."

The thing about Niall was that he was the best in these types of situations. We managed to sound angry and concerned at the same time- kind of like a mother questioning/scolding her child. Even though a mother would probably freak out more if she thought her son had just gone out and gotten high for a whole night- which was probably what Niall thought.

"Would you please just leave me alone? This is not about what Liam said- I'm not mad at him. I just have, other things on my mind.." Zayn mumbled, setting his head back against his bed and staring at the ceiling for a moment before closing his eyes.

"Can't you come out here and talk to us? And what is it exactly do you have on your mind?"

With a growl of annoyance Zayn realized Niall wasn't giving up anytime soon- and pulled himself to his feet. Crossing the room in long strides we wrenched open the door- his eyes locking on Niall's, who hadn't flinched a bit and was now just staring at him with his arms crossed.

"Leave me alone Niall-"

"No Zayn! I will not. Not until I figure out whats got you in the dumps and how I- all of us can help."

He gestured down the hall towards the living room when he said all of us, obviously referring to the rest of the band- waiting out for Niall to lure him out in the sitting area of the hotel room they were in.

Grinding his teeth in anger Zayn looked down at the floor, thinking about how exactly to get out of this conversation.

What could he say? The one member of the band that is chronically afraid of heights went on the tallest rollarcoaster in America? And that he met a girl he didn't know but couldn't stop thinking about on it?

For some reason Zayn didn't think anyone would believe that.

"Seriously Zayn? What is your problem?" Niall half-shouted, looking confused and offended. "It's me, Niall. Why are you trying to shut me out?"

"Fine, you want to know something? Yesterday after Liam snapped at me, I just felt overwhelmed. I don't know why and perhaps I never will, but in the end I just couldn't stay in that crowed backstage. So I put on a dark hood and I ran. No one saw me, and amazingly I found myself in line for The Leviathan. I waited in line and just couldn't convince myself out of it, for whatever reason again- I don't know. Then I went on the ride, and left- feeling like I needed to see a doctor. From there I came back here and stayed up all night getting high. I'm cool with everyone now, and I'll perform tonight- but I'm tired now. Now good-bye."

With the end of his explanation Zayn closed his door in Niall's shocked looking face. Only once he'd slumped back down again on his bed did he wonder why he was acting so strange. He would never talk that way to Niall. But still, some little part of his mind told him he was just tired.

Before he closed his eyes to take another one of his dreamless naps, he flicked out a picture from his pants pocket. In the picture was him, his hands in the air with one of them clutching the hand of a pretty blond girl with a huge smile that lit up her face. They were in the motion of flying down a track, and both of them looked like they were having the times of there lives.

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