The Same Sun (Chapter Twenty Five)

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"I'm mad at you."

"And, why, are you mad at me, Liam?" Zayn spoke into his phone, only just getting to the airport the next morning- at eight.

"You said you'd be coming in at three in the morning. I got up, and waited at the airport for an extra hour after you're flight arrived- only to find that you weren't on board! I could've slept in!" An angry Liam shouted through the phone, though he sounded more sleepy and annoyed than angry and pissed off.

Liam could never really sound angry. Just thoroughly annoyed.

"Well, something happened last night- and it really was more serious than you probably think. I was scared, and panicked- rather than catching my flight. My escort already yelled at me, and I'm just too stressed and tired to talk right now. I'll talk to you later, ok?"

Liam was silent on the other end, obviously distraught by Zayn's words and tone of voice.

"Ok, when are you back in England?" Liam asked, his voice quiet.

"My flight is leaving in less than ten minutes, so around three or four." Zayn answered back, running his hands through his hair as he waited for Liam to reply.

The line was silent for too many moments.

"Ok, I'll be there to pick you up."

"Even after what happened this morning?" Zayn asked, raising an eyebrow that Liam couldn't see.


Zayn smiled at the thought of his good hearted friend, also chuckling softly at his use of what he'd grown to learn was a Harry Potter quote.

"You loser." He shouted into the phone, laughing as Liam retaliated with one of his weak insults. The ones that always came from Liam, sounding as if they came from a six year old.

In the background Zayn could hear a voice coming from the intercoms, instructing passengers from his flight to board. 

Saying a quick goodbye to Liam, soon enough Zayn was being herded onto the plane by his escort- who Zayn noticed he never learned the name of.

Seated in his first class, Zayn soon found himself drifting in and out of a day dreaming daze- as the plane seemed to drift through the clouds.

That thought made Zayn chuckle for some reason, and Zayn sat up from his seat, pressing his forehead against the glass.

That one looks like an elephant.. Zayn thought, sighing as he started picking out as many different cloud shapes as he could. That one looks like a flower...

He wondered if Thalia was looking at the sames clouds. He hadn't been flying for that long, and they were flying over Stoney Creek to get back to England.

I hope she is, Zayn thought as shoved his ear buds in his ears to block out the noise of the airplane. The cloud in the bottle with have faded by now, and she'll need a new one.

Sighing, he took one last longing look out the window before he sunk back into his chair- closing his eyes. For a couple minutes he just sat, trying to clear his mind of all stressful thoughts.

Trying to replace the broken and scarred Thalia in his head with the happy and strong one he was going to help her become.

Then he fell asleep- with the happy Thalia dwelling in his dreams.

"Zayn, Zayn wake up!"

Zayn jerked forward, a groggy look crossing his face as he glanced up at his bossy as always escort- her gesturing for him to get up.

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