Next Time (Chapter Eleven)

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"Stop panicking Arden! Everything will be fine. For God's sake, they're just boys..." Thalia chided as her friend paced. "They'll be here soon, and then we'll just go in and do some rides."

Arden glanced into the glass of the entrance booth for the thousandth time to make sure he looked alright. "Just boys..." He mumbled, looking at  Thalia as if she was crazy.

"Whatever, drama queen. Oh, even though I've already ridden it, I just can't stop looking at those drops!" Thalia said anxiously as she turned her back on the direction the boys would be coming in to watch another set of people go down the Leviathan.

"Well, I cannot wait for that." Arden replied, sarcasm filling his voice as Thalia reached up as if to touch the highest arch of the ride. She outlined it with her fingers, eventually just leaning back and sighing.

Then an Irish voice called out from behind them, "Hey Thally!"

Turning slowly with a smile lighting up her face as she saw Niall stumbling out of a car that had just pulled up.

"Thally?" She called back, smirking at her new nickname and watching as Niall came over followed by Liam and Louis. Then another boy came out that Thalia didn't know, a mass of curly brown hair set on the top of his head.

Thalia greeted the boys with her average politeness, shaking Harry's hand as he was introduced to her. Arden's greeting was just a bit more shrilly and excited.

"So this, is Harry Styles. And this is- where's Zayn?" Niall called back, watching as finally a fifth figure got out of the car.

Thalia could only stare as a face she knew too well came towards the group.

"And this is Zayn Malik." Niall introduced, but Thalia could barely hear him as finally he came close enough for her to reach out a hand and shake his in greeting.

"Nice to meet you, Zayn Malik." She said softly, cocking her head a bit and smiling.

"And it's a pleasure to meet you, Thalia Eldridge." He answered, a faint smiling pulling at his lips.

Zayn Malik. Zayn Malik was Thalia's Angel.

Thalia was seeing her Angel again.

Before she could say anything more to him, she realized Liam was herding them all into the park- which had looked deserted from the outside, but looked more so from the inside. Making a mental note to talk to him in private later- she began welcoming the boys to the park.

"A lot must be happening in town today.." Arden mumbled from beside Thalia, seeing that Canada's Wonderland was normally always packed. But they didn't dwell long on it, since soon enough the eccentric seeming Louis was screaming for them to start the rides!

They all insisted on leaving the rollarcoasters for later, since they didn't seem to need to worry much about lines.

Starting with the little rides near the front, they quickly piled into different buckets on the Spinovater. Niall had ended up in her bucket, and then Arden found a seat with Liam, and Harry and Louis in another, leaving Zayn in the bucket across from Niall and Thalia.

"Do you barf easy Thally?" Niall asked jokingly, soon enough shutting up as the ride started. It seemed faster than Thalia ever remembered it, spinning all of them witless.

Putting her hands up and laughing next to Niall, Thalia's hair whipped around her face- her eyes drifting upwards. Even going so fast didn't stop her from getting peaks at Zayn, who was a much more quiet ride-goer, than the rest of them and than Thalia remembered.

Stumbling away from the Spinovater they did as many rides as they could, going from the Pirate Ship to the less steep and fast rollarcoasters.

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