A Delicate Thing (Chapter Six)

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Breaking the news to Zayn had been easier than Zayn thought it would be.

Handing him his copy of the photo Zayn had immediately freaked out- but soon enough was silent after Liam explained that he'd somehow managed to track down the girl from this picture.

He didn't give details on how.


"I see it in the way you look at the picture, and how you act now. Unless something else happened I don't know of, all these little habits you've picked up are from meeting her. You need closure, so call her." Liam said slowly, getting an excited look in his eyes as he slid the number across the table to Zayn.

"Liam, this is crazy. We, no I, can't just call.."

"Seriously? I doubt that any girl would hate a call from Zayn Malik of One Direction."

Zayn couldn't help but smirk at that, realizing how true that could be. What harm could really come from just calling? Worst came to worst- Liam could end up in jail, and Zayn could end up humiliated and heart broken.

"Well, you got a point. But this is just so insane Liam. You tracked down some girl from a picture, and now we have her home phone number. Just calling her out of the blue is just-"

"A huge leap of faith? A chance that you need to take?"

Shifting in his seat with his eyes glued on the piece of paper that had the 10 numbers on it that would give him a conversation with the girl his mind was so drunk over.

"What's her name?" Zayn asked, biting hip lower lip as he tried to think straight. His mind was just too overcrowded with thousands of thoughts for him to actually, think straight.

"Thalia. Thalia Eldridge."

It was a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. It made Zayn smile, thinking about how he finally put a name to her face.

"Thalia Eldridge." Zayn repeated, saying it with more curiosity, emotion and desire than Liam had- testing how it sounded off his tongue.

"Yes- we'll think of an annoying nickname later DJ Malik. For now, just call her!"







At that moment another two of One Direction's band members walked into the room, both of them pushing and shoving at the other as they made their way in and made themselves at home without having to be asked.

"What are you two blokes arguing about?" Louis asked, not sounding as he cared much as he went and sat on Harry after he sat- getting pushed sideways off of his friend without seemingly noticing. His eyes were on his cellphone, and from the light smirk you could tell he was texting Eleanor.

It made Zayn jealous, and he quickly sent Liam a look that said This is a secret, before shoving the piece of paper with Thalia's number in his pocket.

"Who's hotter." Liam answered easily, giving an answer that was so simple and stupid it was hard to not believe coming from a group like them.

"It's Zayn." Harry and Louis answered in unison, both of them laughing at Liam's offended look.

"It's whats on the inside that counts." Niall put in as he entered the room, plopping down between Harry and Louis.

"Yeah, listen to Nialler." Liam retorted, sending Zayn a smug smile.

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