A Close Miss (Chapter Eight)

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"You did what?! And why are you just telling us this now?!"

Paul was as pissed as Liam would expect he'd be, but that was mostly because he had forgot to mention the whole 'I promised we'd visit this party in Ontario' thing a couple weeks ago. Ultimately Liam knew they'd go, mostly because they could get sued, and or what Liam had done could be revealed upon him backing out of his deal.

The only thing Paul was freaking out with was considering how much of a tight squeeze it would be- from flying to place from place with only minutes to spare.

"So, we're flying back to Ontario?" Zayn asked slowly when Liam had updated the whole band about the unscheduled meet and greet.

"Well, it looks like it." Harry pointed out, rolling his eyes.

"Oh. OK." Zayn responded, trying to hide a smirk as the rest of the band continued discussing, in a way that was almost arguing. He was smiling because he only remembered Ontario as her- Thalia's, home. He doubted he'd have a chance too, but a small part of him hoped he'd get to see her in person again.

"Since this is such a small thing we won't even have to rehearse anything. Just show up, sign some things and sing some songs- then we're out of there." Louis added helpfully, none of them noticing Zayn was in his own little world as they kept talking.

Within the hour they were on a plane, flying into Canada from Sunrise, USA. Luckily it was the last stop on the Up All Night tour, so they wouldn't accidentally blow off any important concerts if they happened to be late, just minor signings and interviews that could be rescheduled without chaos ensuring.

The plan ride was pretty uneventful, besides general chatting and tom foolery. The only thing Zayn picked up from it was that during the month of August to October they'd be living in the pent house they'd bought together- giving them more of a chance to hang out between their average celebrity lives.

Louis also said something about Eleanor coming in for a while, though Liam didn't comment to eagerly about Danielle visiting them. They were all secretly hoping Julia would somehow manage to come in for a day or two.

Or better yet the whole Direction Vacation.

Louis again had come up with that name.

He was had been really proud of that- thought it was witty.

"Finally, we've touched ground yet again!" Louis sang as the plane landed, all of them going through the average routine of going through the airport. It was was pretty much just smiling at paparazzi and not being too childish before they got into the car.

Then all chaos would ensue.

"Warm up boys! Apparently, this party is formal. So we need to suit you up quickly before we get to the actual place- a hotel. So now, warm up your vocal chords- go!" Paul called quickly from the front seat.

With that they started, singing not necessarily their own songs as they just started singing. They still managed to get carried away, but they did warm up enough to be ready for any singing later on.

"It's getting hot in here," Harry sung.

"So hot!" Louis outburst.

"So take off all your clothes!" Liam finished, all of them adding dances that matched the song. Niall couldn't stop laughing, though Niall thought everything was hilarious.

Meanwhile Zayn was filming it. It was like their number one rule- every funny thing they do must be filmed. One Direction was more than well know for video diary's, and videos in general.

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