Chapter Sixteen

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•Day 62•

It's been eight years since I heard the horrible words. Three words that my mom said which completely changed my world. I have cancer.

My mom was my best friend. I would always make time everyday to see her and most of the time that meant going to the diner. Ethan and I would go together everyday and help her out with little things until we were old enough to wait some tables.

Everyone knew my mom. She had the best diner in town. She would personally come out of the office and make her famous pancakes for whoever ordered them. When people started noticing her lack of appearance at the diner they knew something was wrong too.

My mom had brain cancer. We were surprised how long she lasted with it but one year wasn't enough. She was supposed to be here with me when I get married or when I have my first kid. But she's gone now. Gone forever.

"Sadie" Ethan says pulling me back to reality. He wipes away the tears that have been falling down my cheeks. I wrap my arms around him and he places a light kiss on my forehead.

"I miss her"

"I miss her too" he says.

We've been laying on my bed snuggling under the blankets for hours. No body talks, texts, or visits us, it would just make things worse.

My dad is in his room probably doing the same thing as me, crying. He doesn't like to look at me today because I look so much like her. I don't mind though, I don't looking at me either.

"Meow" Daisy says jumping up onto the bed. She lays down at our feet and starts purring. We both ignore her and just try to comfort each other.

"Have I ever told you she loved you so much? I would over hear your mom talking to my mom about how much you meant to her. You were her pride and joy. She wouldn't want you to be crying over this today"

"I know but I can't help it" I say getting as close as possible to him. His touch makes me feel better but not enough to make the tears stop.

He gives up on speaking and we just lay there. I hate today. I can still picture my mom as she took her last breath in the hospital and the heart monitor going still.

There was this one day that my mom almost seemed normal. The brain cancer made my mom act weird and stuff so when I woke up that day and she was making pancakes, I thought maybe she was going to be okay. After breakfast she asked to go to the mall so we took the bus there and went shopping. It almost seemed like it was before she had cancer. But when we came home she started acting weird again and I knew it was just a lucky day. I always wished she would have more normal days but that was her last one.

"Sadie" my dad croaks walking. He looks pale and his eyes are red. Out of no where he grabs his chest as if it stopped working. Then he falls to the ground.

"Dad!" I yell getting up but only to fall face first myself. Shit I forgot I don't have a leg. "Dad!"

Ethan runs over to him and checks his pulse. "Sadie call nine one one"

"Is he okay?"

"Sadie now!" he says tossing a phone at me.

"Hello nine one one what's your emergency?"

"My dad he passed out on the floor clutching his heart."

"Where are you?"

"54 Wilpert Drive."

"An ambulance is on it's way"

"Sadie I need you to put Daisy away." Ethan says relaxed.

"Ethan! My dad could be dying-"

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