Chapter One

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•Day One•


"Ugh," I groan slamming my hand into the alarm clock. I knew last night was a bad idea. Ethan should not have convinced me to go to that party. It was a Sunday for god's sake! Making my way to the bathroom, I brace myself for the disaster I'm about to see in the mirror.

"Bye Sadie, see ya later!"

"Bye dad! Don't forget I'm going to be late to work today; Chloe and Leah need my help with something!"

"Okay sweetie," he says shutting the front door.

My dad is very dedicated to my mom's diner. Ever since she died he puts everything he's got into it. In other words, he's never home. Although I love the freedom, sometimes I miss hanging out with him.

After fixing my face and hair as best as I can, I pull on a pair of jeans and a nice tank top. My converse by the door will do for today; I think I have gym anyways. I grab my keys and head to school a little earlier than usual.

When I arrive there, Seth and Cooper are waiting with him. Slightly panicking, I make my way over to them.

"Hey Seth!" I smile.

"Oh, there you are!" Cooper says pulling me by the arm. He has this giant smirk on his face like he has some evil plan. "We've been looking for you all over the place! This is Jonah. He's new in town."

"Hey," Jonah says followed by a stunning grin.

"Hey," I reply, then turn back to the two goofballs. They're looking at me like a child does when they are up to something. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, um, I needed to ask if you could-- oh would you look at the time! Cooper and I have to go, um, go..." Seth trails off.

"Meet up with Leah! She has a very important message."

"Do I need to come?"

"No!" they both say at the same time. Jonah and I exchange curious looks.

"Sorry dude I guess Sadie will have to show you around. I think you guys have very similar schedules anyways," Seth smirks.

"Okay cool."

Cooper and Seth walk away but keep looking back, giggling like five year olds.

"Sorry about them..." I say heading towards my locker.

"It's fine. So, uh, where are we going?"

"Oh sorry! We are going towards my locker. I need to get my morning supplies. What's your locker number?"

He looks at a piece of paper in his hands. "2903."

"That's right next to mine."

"So does that mean you have Government first period?"

"Well I do have Gov first but they assign lockers alphabetically."

"I see, so you're last name would be..?"


"That's very pretty, Sadie Parker."

"Thanks," I say blushing a little. When we get to our lockers, he opens his and puts stuff in while I get my morning supplies.

"So where do we go?"

"Gov is in the 2300s which is like the middle of the school upstairs. Don't worry, you'll get used to the building's size really fast. Can I see you schedule?"

"Sure," he says handing me the paper.

"Wow, we have every class except third and sixth together," I say surprised. It's not very likely for two students to have the same schedule when the graduating class is around 800.

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