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warnings: lance is insecure. thoughts of self harm is involved & self harm is involved.
lance .

after about another 6 hours, he and keith finished the anime.

"hey! there's movies to the anime. three of them, so far! you wanna watch them?" lance asked, hovering the computer mouse over the three movies.

keith nodded. they started out with "free! starting days" which took place in their childhood. then they watched "free! a timeless medley" one and two.

the only movie that hadn't come out yet was "free! take your marks" the two are planning on watching it together when it comes to theatres.

it was around five at night, lance hadn't texted the groupchat about he and keith watching free! together, or breakfast. or anything.

keith n i watched free! last night. and we went to breakfast this morning. met a cute kid named adrien. he looked kinda dead. we thought it was probably stress from exams. i might've fell asleep on keith's shoulder and almost spooned him, i was half asleep when everything was happening rjgkskmfjks


princess bitch



fuck off

lance was sitting in his own room, looking around.

he hadn't realized how plain he was. there was only one poster, and it was an anime poster of course. his desk had one plant on it, scatters of work and pencils. his room was white, his bed sheets were white. he wasn't unique.

he sat down on his bed, thinking a bunch of bad thoughts.

it wasn't healthy. it wasn't healthy at all.


words like that ran through his head, he cried, he cried a lot. he chocked on sobs as his mind went to a place he never wanted it to go again.

he thought about his old razor. he remembered where he hid it. his left desk drawer.

nobody cared about him. nobody would notice that he was hurting.

then, lance's phone buzzed just as he was about to grab the razor.

hey man. u ok?? i think i hear crying from ur room

lance nearly screamed, was he crying that loud? was it that obvious? lance sniffled, coughing again.

nah dude i'm fine. sad puppy videos

an excuse he used often.

lance don't use that shitty excuse. whats wrong?

keith .

he could hear lance bawling. he didn't want to hear him crying. he texted him. why was lance rejecting him?

he thought about going across the hall to lance's room. but that would be idiotic. keith would probably cry too.


no response.

keith was no getting worried. he didn't want to go to his room to find lance... dead. it's almost happened before.

keith didn't give two shits, he walked over to lance's room.

he knocked. no answer.

keith tried to open the door, it was locked.

"lance? please. lance!" keith begged, knocking again.

"i can't cure you, thats not how anything works. but we care about you, bud! if we didn't care we wouldn't have been your friend! you're nice, you're funny. you know how to take my jokes. you understand us. you know how to set us off." keith ranted, hearing lance choke on sobs a few times.

"you care about us, you care about us a lot. so we all care about you a lot! we care about you so much." keith was trying. he didn't know what to do. "lance, can you please let me in?"

lance didn't answer. keith heard his phone buzz.

keith.. thank you.

any time. can i come in?


i won't look at you. you just need a hug right now, i know you.



lance opened the door, falling into keith's arms. keith's red sweater was soaked now.

he rubbed lance's back, whispering sweet compliments into his ears.

keith had never, in the two years of knowing lance, seen him in such a vulnerable state.

"c-can i ask you a question?" keith mumbled. lance hummed in response.

"are... are you still clean?" keith asked, hoping he'd say yes.

lance went silent.


ah i'm sorry

not every relationship is perfect, right?

if you are ever thinking of self harm or hurting yourself permanently, know that isn't the best answer.

talk to someone, your friend, your dog or cat, your guardian, your sibling, your best friends cousin, your fish, anyone to make you feel better. heck you can message me if you need too!

please know you're not alone. you're loved.

i love you.

stay strong

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