Best Day

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Mornings with Riley were never dull.

"Peeeeeaches!" Riley's voice rose to a plaintive wail. Maya ignored her, snuggling deeper into the warm covers. Suddenly, Riley's hands rested on Maya's back. "I didn't wanna have to do this, Maya." Riley sighed, her eyes narrowing. To other people, Riley looked annoyed. However, Maya, without even cracking open an eye, could feel the fondness in Riley's gaze. Maya grunted in acknowledgement. She felt light fingers tracing over her sides, and stifled the urge to laugh at the ticklish touch.

Riley's gentle touch soon grew firmer, as she wiggled her fingers up and down her girlfriend's sides. Maya finally rolled over, laughing as she caught Riley's hands and pinned them down on the bed, on both sides of her. "Okay, okay," Maya giggled. "I'm up, honey. It's only eight in the morning on a Saturday. Why are you waking me up so early?"

Riley's chocolate brown eyes shone at her, and Maya felt the smile on her face grow into a full-blown grin. She couldn't help it, not with Riley looking at her like that. "I planned a day for us, Peaches," Riley smiled, easily breaking hold of Maya's loose grip on her hand, so she could cup Maya's face with both of them. "A day, just for us." Riley added. Maya sat up slowly, so she wouldn't dislodge Riley's gentle hold on her face. When Riley smiled at her like that, she couldn't help how her eyes got all "dreamy," as Lucas once described.

"What've ya got planned for us, Riles?" Maya asked softly. Riley's face split into her trademark open-mouthed grin, and Maya just couldn't help the matching grin that spread across her face, even if she wanted to.

Riley loved the way Maya's eyes crinkled up as her lover grinned back at her. She loved everything about Maya. She loved the way her voice was a little raspier than usual in the morning. She loved how her long blonde hair gleamed in the sunlight, and how her bright blue eyes brightened as soon as she saw Riley. She loved how contagious Maya's laugh was, and how she was able to be the only one who kept Riley's hands unfolded. The list went on and on, for there were many things Riley loved about Maya.

"Riles, honey?" Riley was brought back to the present, as Maya waved her hand in front of her face. "Sorry, I was just thinking about everything I love about you, Peaches." Riley said sweetly, dropping her hands from Maya's face. Maya flushed a cherry-blossom pink, and Riley took a mental note on how much she loved it when she could make Maya blush. "But as for the day I've planned for us, that's a surprise." Maya pouted, and Riley shook her head quickly. "Don't try and pry it out of me, because ya won't, Peaches," She smoothed down the unruly mass of curls on Maya's head. "Now, get dressed and we can get started!"

As Riley practically bounced out of the room, Maya kicked off the covers and headed to her and Riley's shared closet. She selected a pastel yellow sweater and her trademark ripped jeans. She slid her favorite black heeled boots on and quickly coated her eyelashes with mascara. She debated on whether or not to straighten her hair, but quickly decided against it, for she knew Riley loved running her fingers through Maya's curly hair. Giving herself a once-over in their full-length mirror, she gave her reflection a thumbs up and hurried downstairs.

Riley was putting the finishing touches on the pancake breakfast when she heard Maya's footsteps clacking down the stairs. She untied the apron and tossed it onto a chair, smiling when she saw Maya's astonished face, taking in the table laden with pancakes, bacon, sausage, and eggs. "What do you think, Peaches?" Riley asked, uncharacteristically shy. Maya shook her head, still stunned at the lengths Riley took to make them breakfast. "It looks amazing, Riles." She said. Maya started towards her, and Riley met her halfway. Their lips locked into a passionate kiss, with Maya's fingers tangled in Riley's hair. After several blissful seconds, Maya pulled back and pressed a kiss onto Riley's nose. Riley blushed softly, and she gestured towards the table. "Let's eat this before it gets cold."

After breakfast, Riley told Maya to get her coat, because they were going on a little trip. Riley opened the passenger side door and motioned for Maya to get in. As Riley drove, Maya hummed along to the songs on the radio. Riley stopped at a stop sign, and pulled out a blindfold. Maya's eyes widened when she noticed it. "Riles, what're you gonna do with that thing?" she asked. "Do you trust me?" Riley countered.

"With my life." Maya replied. Satisfied, Riley tied the blindfold snugly. "How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked, to be sure that Maya couldn't see anything. "I don't know, honey. You blindfolded me, 'member?" Maya retorted playfully. Riley grinned, and pressed down on the gas pedal.

"Okay, you can take your blindfold off." Riley told Maya, who immediately ripped the blindfold off. "Ahh, sweet, sweet sunshine!" Maya proclaimed over dramatically. "I never thought I'd be able to see again!" Riley just shook her head and snickered at Maya's antics. "Hello, flower!" Maya nearly shouted. "Hello, clouds!" Maya continued to greet every object her eyes saw as she followed Riley across the street.

"Hello, new-" Maya's words died in her throat as she stared up at the magnificent building in front of her. Riley snorted in amusement, because it was so rare to see Maya at a loss for words. Maya faced her, her expression joyous and stunned all at once. "B-but how?!" Maya sputtered, making Riley laugh again. "Riles, tickets are nearly impossible to get for here!"

Riley smiled, holding up two tickets. "Keyword- nearly." she replied. With her free hand, she took Maya's hand and guided her up the stairs to the beautiful building. "Now what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Several hours later, they exited the museum. While Maya was busy looking at all of the art there, Riley had only her focus on one piece of art: Maya. As they crossed the street once more to get to their car, Maya squeezed Riley's hand tightly. "This has been the best day of my life, Riles. I can't thank you enough for planning this day for me. I love you so much." Now that they were safely on the other side of the road on the sidewalk, Riley bent down to kiss Maya "Anything for you, Peaches, but who says the day is over?" Maya looked up at her, brows furrowing. Riley grinned at her expression. "We have one last stop. Blindfold back on, please."

A few minutes later, Maya felt the car come to a stop, then a car door opening and closing. She heard her door open, and she fumbled blindly for Riley's hand and stepped out of the car. Riley guided her up some stairs, then down a long hallway. She heard a door opening, and let Riley guide her inside of the room. She heard the door close behind her, and Riley's soft voice rang out loudly in the silence of the room. "Careful, Peaches. Watch your step." Riley sat her down on the bay window seat, and she took a deep breath. Long seconds ticked by, until she finally said, "Peaches, you can take your blindfold off."

Maya didn't know what to expect when she took her blindfold off, but it certainly wasn't to see Riley bent down on one knee, a small velvet box in her hands. Maya felt her heart beat faster and faster, until she was sure she was having a heart attack. Riley cleared her throat and began to speak.

"We first met, right here on this bay window seat. You climbed in through the window, and we were instantly friends. But I think even back then, I knew we would be more. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I thought you were, and still are, the most beautiful girl alive. I wasn't scared when you came in through the window, because I knew immediately, that I had a partner in crime for life. When you left that night to go back home, you took my heart with you. You still have it, and I don't ever want you to give it back, because it's yours to keep, forever. Will you marry me, Maya Penelope Hart?"

Tears had started in Maya's eyes when Riley began, and now they were rolling down her cheeks with reckless abandon. Riley had tears on her cheeks, as she looked up at Maya, her chin quivering slightly. "Yes," she whispered faintly, Riley strained to hear her answer. "Yes," Maya repeated a little louder, smiling the smile that was meant for Riley, and Riley only. "Yes, sunshine, I'll marry you." Grinning, Riley slid the ring onto Maya's finger, and Maya grabbed Riley's hands to pull her closer to her. Their lips met in a passionate kiss. When they finally pulled away from each other to breathe, Maya rested her forehead against Riley's.

"This has for sure been the best day ever."

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