I Got You

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"What do you think, other one?" The curly-haired boy leaned in closer to Riley, and Maya felt her blood boil. Riley gave the boy a polite smile, leaning away from him as Maya watched, her eyes narrowed. "I think you're way too close." She replied, her smile becoming more and more strained. It was Riley's turn to narrow her eyes as the second boy leaned in closer to her precious Peaches, her Maya. "Yeah?" He asked, smirking cockily as Maya leaned away from him, her beautiful face scrunched up in disgust. "What are you going to do about it?"

Maya turned back to him, giving him a beautiful smile, her eyes sparkling. He leaned in closer to her, their noses almost touching. His friend leaned in closer to Riley, causing Riley to stand up and back away. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she reached inside of her purse for the pepper spray her mother insisted she carry around, suddenly glad that she did. "What am I gonna do about it?" She heard Maya's voice in the background, her voice sultry and sweet, just the way Riley liked it.

Maya's fist connected with the taller boy's head, and he jerked back and screamed. His friend ran over to detain Maya, but Maya was quicker. She kicked him square in the balls, and he crumpled down onto the ground. Maya turned around and raised her fist, ready to throw another punch at the scumbag who dared to flirt with her girlfriend right in front of her. "Stay away from us!" Maya screeched as her fist came down, again and again. Someone grabbed her arm, and she lifted her fist yet again, ready to swing if need be, but came face to face with Riley, who's face was streaked with tears.

"Honey! Are you alright?" Maya's voice was soft, comforting. Riley nodded her head, not trusting herself to speak. She was beyond shaken up at what had just happened, what they boys wanted from her and her Peaches. Maya's bright blue eyes were dark, almost navy blue with anger, but the anger faded when she saw how scared her lovely girlfriend was. Her hands were covered in the boys' blood, but she didn't hesitate to reach for her ray of sunshine. Riley practically leapt into Maya's arms.

"Oh, Peaches!" She sobbed into Maya's shoulder. "I was so scared! I froze, and I'm sorry." Maya leaned her head back to look her girlfriend in the eyes. "Sorry for what, Riles?" Maya's brows were furrowed in concern as she brushed the silky brown tresses from Riley's face. Riley's face crumpled again as she leaned into the gentle touch. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you the way you protected me."

Maya's lips were against hers in an instant. Riley melted into the kiss, never able to resist Maya's kisses, and her arms tightened around the shorter girl's waist, pulling her closer. Maya pulled back after a few blissful seconds, and she looked into her girlfriend's eyes. "Don't apologize to me, honey." Her voice was soft and sweet, just how Riley liked it. "I got you. And I know you got me, too."

Riley's face brightened, and Maya was immensely relieved. The tears on Riley's face didn't belong there, unless they were tears of happiness. "Yeah," Riley smiled, looping her arm around Maya's shoulder as Maya looped her arm around Riley's waist. They started their trek home. "Yeah. I got you, Peaches."

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