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Riley slid the freshly baked chocolate cake onto the countertop to cool. She quickly cleaned the kitchen as Maya watched, placing her chin in her hand as she stared dreamily at her sunshine. Riley tossed the last pan into the dishwasher. She was a sight to see, with flour caked all over her hands, clothes, and even some in her hair. A lightbulb lit up in her head, and she grinned as she sneakily made her way over to Maya. Lucas watched amusedly, but Farkle warned the blonde loudly; "Maya! Watch out!" Maya snapped out of staring dreamily at her girlfriend, and quickly hopped off the stool, backing away. "Riley Matthews! No!" She said sternly, as her girlfriend advanced on her. "But Peaches! I want a hug!" 



"NO!" Maya shouted, ducking away from Riley's flour covered hands. "Not until you wash your hands!" She sprinted to the other side of the counter. Riley pouted, her eyes large and pleading. "NO!" Maya yelled again, stomping her foot childishly. "You're not allowed to use puppy dog eyes! Not! Fair!" Riley's bottom lip trembled, and her eyes grew impossibly larger. Maya's face softened, and she took a step forward. Lucas snickered, and Farkle grinned. "Maya, are you getting soft in your old age?" Maya's eyes were focused solely on Riley, who looked like a kicked puppy. 

"Oh, honey..." Maya sighed, reaching for Riley, despite Riley's flour covered clothes. Maya took another step closer, and Riley hurried towards her, pressing her flour covered hands to Maya's cheeks. Maya took no notice of how the flour now coated her cheeks, and wrapped her arms around Riley's waist, pulling her even closer. Riley beamed as Maya nuzzled her head into Riley's shoulder, resting her head there. "Not fair," she heard Maya mumble. "I can never resist my Pumpkin." Riley giggled at that, pressing a soft kiss to the top of Maya's head. "It's okay, Peaches. I could never resist you, either." 

Lucas and Farkle glanced at each other and smiled. They quickly took their leave, bidding their friends goodbye, leaving the two girls hugging tightly in the kitchen. Maya shifted in Riley's arms, then took a couple steps to the side. Riley followed suit, until they reached the couch and Riley gently lowered them onto the couch. Maya shifted again, this time sitting in Riley's lap. The tiny blonde let out a satisfied sigh when she felt Riley's fingers threading their way through her curly hair, and closed her eyes. Riley kissed her forehead, and let her own eyes flutter shut, happily holding Maya in her arms.

That was the way Topanga and Cory found them, when they entered the apartment. Topanga smiled softly at them, then glanced at her husband. Cory was still watching them intently, a small smile on his face. He took note of how tightly Riley held Maya, even in her sleep. Maya was curled against Riley's chest, a serene, peaceful look coated her features, one that was rarely there when the fierce blonde was awake. A small smile pulled at the corners of her mouth, and even in her sleep, she snuggled even closer to Riley. Cory sighed happily at the sight. He and Topanga always knew that it was Maya who would capture their only daughter's heart. He gently laid a blanket over the two sleeping girls, then took a step back, wrapping his arm around his wife's waist. Topanga pressed a soft kiss to Cory's cheek, then stepped away to prepare dinner. However, Cory stood there for just a moment longer, his hand to his heart as he watched the two girls slumber peacefully. 

He couldn't have asked for a better person to be their daughter's forever. 

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