The Domestic Rilaya & Friends One-Shot That No One Asked For

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"Maya, look at this!" Riley beamed at her girlfriend, holding up her phone. Maya hopped over the back of the couch, leaning against Riley as she glanced down at the tiny screen. On the screen was a picture of a puffy, purple down comforter. Maya looked up at her girlfriend's grinning face, taking note of the hopeful glimmer in her eyes. Maya finally smiled, her dimples popping out on her cheeks. "I love it, honey." Riley's eyes lit up, and her mouth opened slightly in surprise. "Really, Peaches?" Riley squealed. Maya nodded in response, her eyes twinkling. Riley began vibrating furiously, shaking the entire couch with the force of her vibrating. Maya rolled her eyes fondly. "Go ahead, pumpkin. Let it out."

"YAAAAAAAAY!" Riley shrieked, ignoring the looks that were thrown her way at Topanga's. Topanga herself rolled her eyes fondly at her daughter, setting down two chocolate milkshakes in front of the girls. "How goes the decor purchasing for the house?" She asked the tiny blonde. Maya grinned in response. "Well, most of our bedroom is gonna be as purple as a grape." Maya replied. Topanga chuckled, glancing at her only daughter. "That doesn't surprise me in any way." Riley ignored the two of them, scrolling furiously on her phone. Maya picked up a milkshake, taking a large sip of it, smiling contentedly. Topanga took a seat on the chair across from them. "I still can't believe you guys found an house with a bay window in it." She said, shaking her head in amusement.

At that, Riley looked up at her mother, beaming. "Well of course we did! The bay window is where it all started, mom!" Maya nodded in agreement, pulling out her own phone and began shopping for decor herself. "Riles, what color scheme should we do for the bathroom?" Maya asked. Riley opened her mouth to reply, but Maya cut her off. "No more purple!" Riley slumped down in her seat, stumped. Then her whole face lit up as she turned to her girlfriend, beaming once again. Maya couldn't help but swoon. "Gold?" Riley asked, her eyes shining. Maya's eyes lit up in response. "Yes!" Maya all but squealed uncharacteristically. Riley giggled in response, her eyes fluttering shut as she leaned in to kiss her girlfriend. Maya met her halfway, abandoning her chocolate shake on the table, instead reaching to tangle her fingers in Riley's hair. After several blissful seconds, they separated for air, but still close enough to be nose to nose.

Lucas walked in and spotted his friends. He watched as Maya stroked Riley's face with a tenderness he hadn't even known the blonde possessed. He watched as Riley relaxed into her girlfriend's touch, smiling softly but lovingly at her. Lucas smiled to himself. Riley and Maya worked so well together, it was almost jarring to think about what it would've been like if he and Riley were still dating. He understood that he and Riley were never meant to be, that Riley could have never loved him like she loved Maya. Lucas harbored no ill-will towards either of them. From the moment he got to know them, he knew that Maya would always be the one for Riley. It was hard not to love Riley; she was all sunshine and rainbows and kind brown eyes. It was hard not to love Maya as well; she was all paint-splattered and sunny, with a big heart. He loved the both of them dearly, only now as friends. He was glad that he was able to watch their love bloom and flourish.

"Hey, Hee Haw!" Maya called, snapping Lucas out of his thoughts. "What color should we do for our living room?" Lucas strode over, flopping onto the couch next to Maya. "Green?" He suggested. Maya crinkled her nose up, sticking out her tongue. "Absolutely not, Huckleberry!" Farkle and Smackle were the next to join them, with Farkle slinging his arm around Riley's shoulders. "It's a good thing you guys moved and unpacked first," he told them. Maya and Riley vehemently agreed. "Can we have a sleepover?" Smackle asked, hope shining in her eyes. Riley nodded excitedly. "Every weekend!" Riley insisted.

Maya leaned and kissed Riley passionately, deeply, causing Riley to drop her phone onto the ground. Maya pulled back and smirked at her. Riley's eyes were unfocused, and she smiled goofily at her girlfriend. "Well, maybe not every weekend." Riley amended. Their friends laughed at the dazed look on Riley's face. "Distracting Riley with your feminine wiles?" Smackle nudged Maya, who only grinned unashamedly in response. "Absolutely." Lucas and Farkle could only laugh as Riley shook her head a few times, trying to clear her head. Zay walked in, spotted his friends, and hurried to join them. "What'd I miss?" he asked cheerily. That only sparked more laughter among the group.

Several hours later, Riley and Maya retired to their bedroom. As Riley curled up against Maya, she sighed happily. Maya cracked one eye open to look at her girlfriend. "What's on your mind, Riles?" she asked sleepily. Riley pressed a soft kiss to Maya's neck, snuggling even closer. "Have you ever thought about how lucky we are to have the friends that we have?" Riley asked softly. Maya closed her eyes again, thinking about how much she loved the five weirdos that had embedded themselves into her life, who loved her no matter what, who cheered the loudest when she succeeded, and helped her back up when she was knocked down. Riley assumed that Maya had fallen asleep, and closed her eyes, ready to drift to sleep as well. The bedroom was filled with a peaceful silence until she heard Maya reply softly. Her response made Riley smile widely, albeit sleepily.

"Yeah, I do."

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