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Riley stared down at her phone, her stomach turning as she re-read the message over and over again. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she brushed them away furiously. A sob escaped her throat as she kept re-reading the message on the tiny screen. Farkle shook his head, his eyes wide as he grasped Riley's hand, squeezing it tightly. "You're not actually considering doing this, are you?" He demanded, his words choked and pained. Riley's face screwed up as she looked at her oldest friend. "If these threats were made to me, no. But they're not made to me, Farkle. They're directed at Maya. I can't let them hurt her." Farkle raised an incredulous brow at her, his mouth dropping open. "So, you're gonna hurt her even worse?!" He demanded. Riley clenched her hands into fists, standing up from her bed. "I don't have a choice, Farkle. Please understand that." With that, she tossed her phone onto her bed, storming out of the room. Farkle peeked around the corner, watching as Riley locked herself in the bathroom. He could hear her distraught sobs from her room. He glanced down at her phone, furrowed his brows, and screenshotted the message. He sent it to himself, nodding as he did. He quickly found the text message thread between him and Riley, deleting the incriminating text from the thread. He'd be damned if he let Missy ruin his best friends' lives over this.

Riley sobbed into her hands, trying to muffle the sounds as best as she could. She stared at herself in the mirror, taking one hand off of her mouth to wipe at the tears that were steadily leaking down her cheeks. She choked on another sob. She had to do this. It was for Maya. She watched her reflection as her expression crumpled once again. She loved Maya. So, so fucking much. But it was for the best. She opened the bathroom door, her eyes locking on the bay window. It was open, the curtains fluttering in the breeze. Farkle was gone. Riley steeled herself, then climbed out of the bay window, making her way to Maya's house.

Maya's smile was wide and bright as she gazed at her girlfriend. Riley's lips were turned down at the corners, and she met Maya's eyes. Her expression was pained- which caused Maya's smile to fall as she ushered her girlfriend into her house. She took note of Riley's flushed cheeks and bloodshot eyes. It looked like her girlfriend had been crying for hours. Maya's frown deepened, a scowl taking place on her face. "Who's ass am I beating?" Maya growled, her hands curling into fists at the sight of her obviously distressed girlfriend. Riley choked back another sob, pressing her hand to her mouth. She didn't get to grieve. She was the one ending it. Riley took a deep breath, then whirled around to face Maya. "I can't do this anymore, Maya," Riley said softly. Maya's eyes widened, her brows furrowing. She opened her mouth to ask Riley what the hell she was talking about, but Riley quickly cut her off. "I can't be with you anymore, Maya. I can't be with you anymore, because my feelings for you have changed. I'm sorry."

Maya's jaw dropped, her stomach twisting into knots as those words escaped her beautiful Sunshine's mouth. "Riley..." Maya reached out for her weakly, her heart dropping to her stomach when Riley dodged Maya's touch, tears running steadily down her cheeks now. "I'm sorry," Riley choked around a sob rising up in her throat. With that, she raced towards the door, fumbling with the doorknob, and ran out of the house, the door slamming shut behind her. Maya sank to her knees, feeling like she'd just been gutted like a fish. The sobs quickly overtook her, shaking her tiny frame as she cried, curling up into a ball on her living room floor. That's where Farkle found her when he walked through the door. "So, she actually did it?" He asked sadly, rubbing her back soothingly.

Maya glared at him through bloodshot eyes, her spine stiffening. "You... You knew she was coming to break up with me?!" She shrieked, bolting off of the floor. Farkle rose slowly, dragging a hand over his face tiredly. "I tried to talk her out of it, Maya." Farkle replied, scrolling through his phone. "But she's terrified of what could possibly happen. To you." He continued. He held up his phone to her. Maya barely resisted the urge to smack it out of his hand, to grab him by the collar of his shirt and scream all of the pain and rage she was feeling into his face, but it wasn't Farkle's fault. Maya shakily reached for his phone, reading the photo that was on the screen.

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