Punchable Face

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"Hey, Riley." The voice startled Riley, and she closed her locker door, revealing Charlie Gardner on the other side. She smiled uneasily. "Hi, Charlie." She responded politely. His grin widened, and he leaned against her locker. Riley shifted in her spot, tucking a lock of shiny brown hair behind her ear. She folded her hands together in front of her. "How can I help you?" She asked. He leaned closer to her, causing her to take a step back. 

"Maya, wait up!" Lucas called from behind her. Maya stopped, waiting for Lucas to catch up with her. "Huckleberry." She greeted. Lucas rolled his eyes fondly at her, offering her his arm. She linked arms with him, and they continued towards Riley's locker. "So, I was wondering if you and Riley wanted to double with me and Farkle tonight? We could go get pizza and then a movie? Then possibly back to Riley's to hang out with Smackle and Zay?" Lucas asked. Maya smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "Sounds good to me, but we gotta ask Riles, too. I'm assuming you already spoke 'bout this with Farkle?" She asked. Lucas nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, he really wants to see that new horror movie." He replied. 

As they turned the corner leading to Riley's locker, Maya stopped in her tracks, causing Lucas to stop as well. His eyes widened when he saw Charlie Gardner and Riley. Maya held up a finger to her lips, her eyes dancing with amusement. He nodded, then focused his attention back onto Riley and Charlie. "I was wondering if you'd like to grab dinner with me tonight?" Charlie asked, with what he thought was a charming smile. Riley fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Like a date?" She asked. Charlie nodded earnestly. "Yeah, if you want." 

Maya released Lucas' arm and marched forward, wrapping her arm around Riley's waist. Riley spun in her grasp so she was facing her girlfriend. "Peaches!" Riley squealed, nuzzling her head against the top of Maya's head. She grabbed Maya's free hand and squeezed it. Lucas had caught up with Maya and Riley. "Friar." Charlie greeted him stoically. "Gardner." Lucas snarled back. While he no longer had feelings for either Maya or Riley, he was fiercely protective over them, and the rest of his friends. "Cheese souffle!" Maya nearly shouted, much to Riley's amusement. Charlie rolled his eyes at that, then focused her attention back on Riley. "So, what do you think?" he asked. 

Riley leaned into Maya's embrace and smiled back at him. "Sorry, but as you probably know, I'm with Maya. So my answer is no." Charlie's smile dropped off of his face, and he openly glared at Maya. She returned the glare, full force. "So I had to compete with Friar, and now I have to compete with Hart?" He spat. Maya released Riley, taking a step forward, her fists clenched at her sides. Lucas stood in front of Riley protectively, and she grabbed his hand. He gave it a comforting squeeze, and they both returned their attention to Maya.

"First of all, Cheese Boy, it's Maya Hunter now. Secondly, there is no competition here. Riley doesn't want you. She didn't want you during the triangle, and she doesn't want you now," Maya spat at him, practically baring her teeth at him in a snarl. Charlie scoffed at that, taking another step forward until he was practically nose to nose the five foot, red faced, furious blonde. "Yeah?" He smirked. "What's the third reason?" He taunted. 

Maya smiled at him, but it wasn't the warm, genuine smile she usually sported. It was a smile daring him to continue taunting her. "The third reason? Oh, the third reason is that if you don't leave my girlfriend alone, then I won't hesitate to break every bone in your body." Maya replied, her voice sugary sweet. "I'll start with your nose. You have a very punchable face, Gorgonzola." 

By now, all of her friends had joined Riley and Lucas, watching the exchange intently. Charlie's face blanched, and he took a step back. Maya cocked her head at him, raising an eyebrow. Charlie took another step back. Then another. Maya smirked, raising a hand to dismiss him. "Be gone, Gorgonzola." Charlie knew when he was beaten. Tossing one last glare at the tiny blonde, he turned on his heel and swiftly retreated.

Riley had a smirk of her own playing at the corners of her lips. Maya reached for her again, the smile on her face warm and soft, the anger in her bright blue eyes fading away. Riley gladly snugged against her. Their friends stood there in silence, until Farkle broke it. "So Riley," He said, as the group of friends began walking down the hallways once again. "You and Maya wanna double tonight?" Riley nodded eagerly, then glanced down at Maya, who grinned and nodded in return. Riley beamed back at her. 

As her friends started their own conversations, Riley raised an eyebrow at Maya. "Why Gorgonzola?" She asked. Maya snickered. "'Cause gorgonzola is moldy, stinky, and gross, just like Cheese Souffle himself." 

Riley burst out laughing, hugging Maya closer to her. "You're one in a million, Peaches."

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