"Big world?" "Ours, now."

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"Big world?" Riley asked. "Ours, now." Maya replied. "Promise me this?" Riley's eyes were beseeching, and Maya cleared her throat, hoping to drive the lump in it away. "Okay." She simply responded. Riley took her hand, squeezing it. "Time and distance have nothing on us. We're forever." Riley's voice was uncharacteristically quiet. Maya's eyes watered, and she held up her free hand, knowing Riley would understand. "Thunder." She said. The smile that bloomed onto her girlfriend's face was like watching the sun come up from behind the clouds. "Lightning." Riley giggled. Maya's lips curled up into a small smile as she gazed into the love of her life's eyes. "Done."

Four years later...

Maya paced around the room. Farkle watched her amusedly. "Nervous?" He asked. Maya spun around to face him. "Are you kidding me? Hell, no!" She pointed a finger at him. "I'm pretty sure I've been waiting for this moment all of my life." Farkle nodded. That was the answer he wanted to hear. Shawn walked in, and his jaw dropped. Maya's long, white dress was simple, but it was stunning. It was a modest, floor length dress with short sleeves, that had a subtle shine to it. Against her tanned skin, she glowed. Her curly blonde hair was twisted into a complicated up-do, pinned out of her face. Her bright blue eyes only needed waterproof mascara, and she wore silver heels on her feet.

"You look beautiful, kiddo." He told her. She grabbed her bouquet from Farkle and smiled shyly. "Thanks, dad," she replied. "Is it time?" Her voice was anxious, but only for one reason- she wanted to marry Riley as soon as possible. Wanted to be able to finally call Riley her wife, and for herself to be called Maya Matthews, for the rest of her life. Shawn smiled, offering her his arm. "It's time." Maya grabbed Shawn's arm and squeezed tightly. "Don't let me fall, dad." Shawn responded by squeezing her hand with his arm tighter. "Not a chance, kiddo."

The trip down the aisle was mercifully short, Riley noted. She hadn't gotten her clumsiness from Topanga, after all. Cory's elbow was wrapped firmly around her own, and they made their way to the altar. Riley's dress, like Maya's, was floor length and short-sleeved. However, her dress was made of pure silk, and less form-fitting. It flowed around her, giving her an overall angelic appearance. Her long brown hair had been curled to perfection, and it settled around her shoulders, bouncing with every move she made. Her dark brown eyes only had waterproof mascara on as well. "Who gives this young woman away?" A familiar voice asked. Riley smiled. "I do, Mr. Feeny." Cory replied, guiding Riley to her spot and stepping back. Riley craned her neck as she waited for Maya's appearance.

The music started once again as Maya made her way down the aisle, practically dragging Shawn behind her. She felt her heart stop completely as she locked eyes with her soon to be wife. 'Riley's an angel,' Maya thought to herself. 'She's my angel.' "And you, Mr. Hunter, give this young woman away?" Mr. Feeny asked. Shawn released Maya's arm, smiling broadly. "I do." Riley faced her best friend, her high school sweetheart, and most importantly, her soon to be wife. Maya's eyes were shining, and her lips were curled up into a shy smile, the smile she saved for Riley, and Riley only. Maya looked like a goddess. Riley felt her own lips curl up in response. They could've stayed there all day, just looking into each other's eyes, and been content, but Mr. Feeny interrupted their moment, smiling at the both of them. "I've been told that you two have written your own vows, is that correct?"

Maya stepped closer to Riley, nodding. "Yes, it is." Feeny gestured her to go on. "Riles. My honey. My sweetheart, my sunshine," Maya started, and Riley gazed adoringly at her. "It all started when I crawled through your window. We were instantly best friends, and even though I hoped with all of my heart, I never thought this would happen. I never thought I'd be able to marry my best friend. You taught me how to be a better person. You taught me how to love, with an open heart, and unapologetically. Most importantly, you taught me how to dream. You've always been the one to hold me up when I was crumbling, and cheered the loudest when I succeeded. I would say that I'm giving you my heart today, but we both know that you've had it for a while. Ever since I met you, to be exact. I love you with everything I have, and everything I am. Hope isn't for suckers, after all."

There wasn't a dry eye in the room. Even Farkle was crying. Riley wiped her eyes, suddenly grateful that she was wearing waterproof mascara. She reached forward and cupped Maya's face in her hands. Then she began; "Peaches, when you came in through my window, I knew immediately that we were meant to be in each other's lives. Growing up together, you never ceased to amaze me with your bravery and compassion. You were never afraid to speak up for what you believed in, and to me, your courage knew no bounds. You taught me how to raise my voice, and speak for the people who hadn't found their voices yet. You taught me how to be a stronger person, and that the strongest people have the biggest hearts. You're the strongest person I've ever met in my entire life. You taught me how to have fun, to keep my hands unfolded. Most importantly, you taught me what it was like to love, and to be in love. I can't wait to wake up every morning, next to you. I can't wait to have a family, but most importantly, I can't wait to be your wife. I love you, Maya, I love you with everything I am, everything I have." She wiped Maya's tears away with her thumbs, and gazed adoringly at her.

Mr. Feeny cleared his throat and wiped at his eyes. "With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride." With that, Maya wrapped her arms around her new wife and kissed her ardently. Riley's fingers tangled in her hair as she returned the kiss with matching fevor.

Amongst the applause, the cheering, the shouting, Maya rested her forehead against Riley's. Both of their faces were tearstained, but sporting wide smiles. Maya took her new wife's hand and squeezed softly. Riley squeezed back, her eyes shining with adoration. "I love you endlessly, wife." Maya murmured. Riley's face split into her trade-mark open mouthed grin. "I love you endlessly too, wife."

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