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"Aw, c'mon Matthews!"

"No fair! Objection!"

"Riley, sweetheart. We're not in court."


Cory Matthews shook his head, struggling to hide his amusement. Topanga had more restraint, furrowing her brows at her only daughter. "Riley, you know the rules. Boys sleep in the living room, girls sleep in your room. That's our final offer, take it or leave it." Riley opened her mouth to object once more, but Maya whispered, "That means we get to sleep in the same room, pumpkin." Riley's mouth snapped shut and she beamed at her girlfriend. Cory's eyebrows rose steadily until they practically reached his hairline. "Wait a minute-"

"We accept your offer, thanks mom!" Riley quickly cut her father off. She grabbed Maya's hand and yanked her out of the room, giggling the whole time. They stood in front of the coffee table, scanning the array of snacks spread across it. "Do you think we have enough food?" Riley asked worriedly. Maya shot her girlfriend a look, reaching for the bowl of Dorritos. "Riles, there's six different types of chips, twelve different types of candy, a vegetable platter, a fruit platter, four different types of desserts, and you ordered five whole pizzas. We're good on the food, honey." Riley relaxed marginally, then tensed up once more. "What about dri-" Maya clamped a hand over Riley's mouth. "Five different types of soda, six different types of juice, and plenty of water! We're good!" Riley nodded, moving Maya's arm up and down as she did so, making Maya giggle.

"Sorry Peaches," Riley murmured sincerely. "I just want everyone to have what they want, and to have fun." Maya smiled warmly at her girlfriend. "I know, honey. It's okay. We have plenty of movies and board games, and plenty to talk about. Everything is fine." She replied soothingly. Riley let out a content sigh, resting her head on Maya's shoulder. Maya guided them to the couch, wrapping an arm around her Honey's waist. They stayed like that until Farkle arrived.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, concerned. It was only five o'clock, and Riley looked like she was ready for bed. "Riley went all out with everything," Maya explained. "She's a little tired, but that's nothing a sugary glass of soda and some candy can't fix." Farkle smiled warmly at Riley, shaking his head. "Riles-" He was cut off by Maya's loud protest. "NO! Only I call her Riles." She pouted. Riley stroked her hair, lulling Maya back into a sleepy state. Farkle rolled his eyes fondly at the blonde, and continued. "You didn't need to do all of this. Just pizza would've been perfectly fine."

Riley shook her head. "No, it wouldn't have been. I want you guys to have the best. You all deserve it, and I wanted to do it." Farkle sat on her other side, resting his head on her free shoulder. "You're the best, Riley." Lucas arrived next, and Smackle and Zay soon after. The six of them gorged themselves on the snacks provided, drank copious amounts of soda, a horrendous amount of candy, and way too much dessert. The only one who touched the vegetable platter was Farkle, who insisted that they all have at least a carrot. That earned him several gummy bears to the face, via Maya.

They played board game after board game. Maya and Zay were strictly forbidden to ever be allowed to be on the same team again. Farkle swept all of them away, winning by a landslide at Monopoly. "I learned how to invest at an early age!" He had insisted. Smackle was the champion at Pictonary, and Lucas took home the bacon when it came to Sorry! Laughter was the constant sound that floated around the room.

As they stuffed their faces with pizza, they talked about school gossip, Maya's newfound hatred for Charlie Gardner, with Lucas vehemently agreeing, and their future plans. After all, they were going to be seniors next year, Zay had pointed out, crinkling his nose in disgust. Farkle had declared that he no longer wanted to take over the world, but rather, he wanted to take on the world, with his ingenious arch-lovesis, earning a blush from Smackle as she smiled at him lovingly. Lucas was explaining about how he was going back to Texas for college, to begin the first steps of becoming a vet. Zay babbled about majoring in dance, but he wasn't sure where he wanted to go. Maya was insistent that she was going to major in Art at NYU. Riley admitted she wanted to major in Education, also at NYU. Her friends smiled proudly at her, imagining Riley as another Mr., rather, Mrs. Matthews. Although, most likely with a different last name- Mrs. Hunter.

As everyone crowded together on the couch to watch yet another movie, Riley rested her head on Maya's shoulder. Her eyelids grew heavier and heavier, and she fought valiantly against the tsunami waves of sleep washing over her until Maya whispered, "It's okay, Riles. Go to sleep, honey." Riley smiled up at her girlfriend sleepily. "'Night Peaches. Love you." Maya leaned down and kissed her gently, lovingly. "'Night Pumpkin. Love you too." Riley let slumber claim her, snoring softly against Maya's stomach. Lucas was the next to fall asleep, slumping down in his seat, a small smile on his face as he slumbered. Next was Smackle, her head lolled against Farkle's shoulder as she succumbed to her tiredness. Farkle and Zay fell asleep soon after Smackle. Maya was the last to fall asleep. Despite the heaviness of her eyelids, she forced her eyes wide open, scanning the room one last time. This was a night she never wanted to forget.

Cory crept downstairs to check on the unusually silent group of teenagers. Cory harrumphed at the sight of the boys sleeping in the same vicinity of the girls, but he couldn't help but smile at the sight of the six best friends cuddled together on the sofa. He wanted them to stay like this- best friends forever. Cory knew they would. The world had tried its hardest to break up their friendships, but they always leaned on each other for support.

Cory knew that these were the people that his daughter would have to lean on for the rest of her life, and he couldn't be happier with the people that she chose. With a soft sigh, he turned off the television, then made his way over to turn off the lights. As he crept back upstairs, he turned towards the group one last time.

"Goodnight. I love you all."

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