The Gay Riverdale Crossover No One Asked For Pt.2

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Cheryl had insisted that Riley and Maya should come to visit her and her "cherie" over their spring break, with their parents permission, of course. She'd insisted that she'd pay for their tickets- to Riverdale, then back to New York. She'd told them that they could stay with her and Toni for the almost month of break that they had, that there was plenty of guest rooms for them to stay in. She had truly taken on the role of a big sister, to Maya and Riley both. Their friends wouldn't be in New York for the break either. Lucas and Zay were going to Texas to reunite with their families. Farkle and Smackle were going to a science camp in Massachusetts, so they agreed. Their parents had hesitantly agreed, after many phone calls with Cheryl herself, to ensure that they would be safe. Cheryl had insisted that she'd pay for every shopping excursion, food, and anything else Maya and Riley might need, but their parents had insisted that they take pocket money with them, just in case of an emergency.

Cheryl Blossom never did anything halfway. She'd hired several cleaning companies to ensure that Thistle House was sparkling clean. She'd hired a personal chef for the meals that would be eaten at home. Toni had to stop her from hiring anymore people. "Cher, they're gonna love it here," Toni had placed a hand on Cheryl's arm, stroking it lovingly. "They're gonna have the best time ever, we'll make sure of it." Cheryl had relented, leaning into her girlfriend's arms. Maya and Riley were stunned when Cheryl had purchased first class tickets for them. They settled into their seats and enjoyed the perks of first class. Toni had assured them that she'd be waiting at the airport with bells on. Sure enough, when they retrieved their luggage, Toni had raced towards them.

"Riley! Maya!" Toni cheered, wrapping both girls in her arms. Riley hugged her back warmly, and Maya rested her head on Toni's shoulder. Sweet Pea and Fangs hugged them each next, with Sweet Pea lifting Riley off of the ground when he hugged her, swinging her around. Riley laughed loudly, clinging onto his shoulders. Fangs had grabbed their bags. "Miladies," He joked, extending an arm for Maya to take. Maya beamed at him and wrapped her arm around his as they exited the airport. As they slid into the seats of Sweet Pea's truck, Toni had wrapped her arms around Maya. It was true, that Cheryl had bonded the most with Riley, and Toni had bonded most with Maya. However, Cheryl and Toni loved both of the girls dearly. Riley reminded Cheryl of how she was when she was younger; happy, optimistic, and observant. Toni saw a lot of herself in Maya, with the deep sadness she knew Maya possessed, but also the positivity Maya spouted out, even though her life was far from perfect.

As they pulled into Thistle House's driveway, Maya and Riley's jaws dropped. Toni snickered at their reaction. "It's a lot, I know," She chuckled. The door swung open and a beaming Cheryl came tearing down the stairs, her vibrant red hair flying behind her as she ran. Maya was impressed. Running in six inch heels sounded hard, but Cheryl did so with ease. Riley was out of the car in an instant, wrapping her arms around Cheryl and pulling her into a bear hug. "Dearest Riley!" Cheryl rejoiced, pressing a kiss to the top of Riley's head, mindful of not leaving any lipstick in her hair. She released Riley, then tugged Maya into her arms. "Dearest Mayakins," She breathed, as Maya snuggled against her.

After their bags were deposited into a guest room next door to Choni's room via Sweet Pea and Fangs, Riley and Maya gathered in Choni's room to debrief. "My darlings," Cheryl drawled, a smirk playing at the corners of her red painted lips. "Tonight, it shall be just us. Ronnie and Cousin Betty might stop by. However, tomorrow night, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Ronnie, Cousin Betty, and some others are coming over for karoke night." She enthused. Maya perked up instantly. Toni noticed. "You sing, Maya?" She asked. Riley was quick to answer. "My Peaches is the best singer I've ever heard!" Riley beamed. Maya's cheeks flushed pink at the compliment. "Will you sing for us tonight, Mayakins?" Cheryl asked, her eyes wide and beseeching. Riley squeezed her hand in encouragement. Maya nodded, then glanced at Toni. "Only if Toni sings with me." She replied. Toni nodded enthusiastically. "Then it's settled," Cheryl said, looking pleased. "Ma cherie and sweet Maya will duet tonight."

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