"Lucas? Are you crying?!"

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"Maya's definitely the top in the relationship."

Farkle's eyebrows shot up, his eyes widening as he turned to Smackle. Zay choked on his drink, and Lucas nearly fell out of his seat from turning to look at the genius so quickly. "SMACKLE!" The three boys shouted in unison. Smackle's own eyebrows rose. "What?" She asked innocently. "We're seniors in high school. It's not like we've never wondered about it as well." Zay stood up quickly. "If we're having this conversation, I'm gonna need more caffeine." He stated, briskly walking over to the counter. 

Farkle shook his head adamantly. "Why are we having this conversation to begin with?!" He practically wailed, slamming his hands to his ears. Riley and Maya were his sisters, and he didn't want to discuss their sex life. He shuddered as Zay walked back, snickering at his reaction. Lucas rolled his eyes, bringing his mug up to his lips. "IF we're having this conversation, who says Riley couldn't be the top?" He asked. Smackle snorted, shaking her head. "Riley is too sweet, too gentle to be a top." She declared. 

Zay raised an eyebrow. "Well, we've all seen that Sunshine has a little spark in her. Maybe that carries into the bedroom?" He offered. Lucas nodded in agreement. "And we've all seen that Maya is super soft when it comes to her Riles." He added, thinking about how he'd seen the look in Maya's eyes as Riley danced around the cafe, holding a cup of coffee. Maya's eyes were bright, but soft; full of love and adoration for the goofy girl. Her lips curled up just the tiniest bit, but that smile told everything: Riley was hers. She was Riley's, forever. Maya had stood up and danced up beside Riley, wrapping her arms around her waist as Riley paused her dancing to smile at Maya, all white teeth and the same softness in her eyes that Maya had for her. 

Maya had stolen the cup of coffee from Riley, taking a long sip, her eyes twinkling at her girl. Riley's smile widened as she stole the cup back from her, dancing away from Maya, laughing as Maya dashed after her and dug her fingers into Riley's sides, laughing even harder as Maya tickled her relentlessly, until she was gasping for breath. "Okay, okay, Peaches! Uncle!" Riley had shrieked, placing the cup onto the counter as she turned to face Maya. Maya had grinned victoriously, dancing away from Riley again. Riley chased after her, still giggling. She re-wrapped Maya into her arms, ducking her head down to place a chaste kiss onto her waiting lips. She pulled away after a few seconds, her warm brown eyes seemingly dancing along to the beat of the song. 

"Riles," Maya had whined, standing on her tiptoes to try and chase Riley's lips with her own. Riley quickly gave in, kissing Maya more ardently, smiling softly against her lover's lips. Maya's tiny fingers slipped into Riley's long brown locks, tugging her closer. 

Lucas was snapped out of the memory by Farkle nudging him. "Lucas? Are you crying?!" He demanded, trying to hide the laugh in his voice. Smackle giggled into the palm of her hand, trying to hide her smile against her hand. Zay, however, had no restraint as he burst into loud, unabashed laughter. Lucas touched his hand to his cheek, shocked when he found tears running down his cheeks. He spluttered, quickly wiping them away. "What! No!" He snapped. Zay had doubled over laughing at this point, practically gasping for air. Smackle had abandoned the pretense of trying to hide her laughter, giggling freely. Farkle had a small smirk on his lips. 

"Leave me alone," Lucas grumbled. "I didn't know discussing Riley and Maya's sex life was such an emotional topic for you." Farkle snickered. Lucas glared at him for a few seconds, but a smile was threatening to pull up the corners of his lips. Finally, he burst out laughing, just as loudly as Zay. The four friends continued laughing, until Zay gasped again for air. "Okay, okay," Zay managed. "So, are we agreed that Sunshine tops?" He asked his three friends. Lucas nodded. Smackle shook her head. Farkle made a face. 

Zay stood up, clapping his hands once. "All in favor for Riley topping, raise your hand." He declared. Lucas and Zay raised their hands. Farkle sighed, rubbing his face. Then he placed his hand in the air. Smackle glared at him. "All in favor for Maya being on top?" Zay asked. Smackle sat up straighter, then raised her hand. Farkle raised his hand again. Zay glared at him, as did Lucas. "You can't vote twice, Farkle!" Lucas complained. Farkle raised an eyebrow. "Who says that they can't take turns?" He asked. Everyone's eyebrows shot up, their mouths falling open. "Why didn't we think of that?!" Smackle exclaimed. 

Riley and Maya walked in, their hands clasped tightly together as they giggled. Maya's hair was rumpled, her hair even wilder than normal. Riley's was tangled down her back, her smile broad on her lips. She nudged Maya as she spotted their friends sitting in their usual spot. Maya beamed back at her, tugging her towards them. Riley plopped down next to Farkle, pulling Maya onto her lap. "So, what are we talking about?" She asked brightly.

 Farkle, Smackle, Zay, and Lucas glanced at each other. "Nothing!" They chorused in unison. Riley and Maya exchanged looks, then shrugged, also in unison. Riley nudged Maya off of her lap. Maya turned to pout at her, and Riley leaned in to kiss the tip of her nose. "I'm gonna get something for us to drink, Peaches." Riley explained. Maya's lips curled up into a warm smile. "Okay. Hurry back to me, Honey." She said softly, her bright blue eyes twinkling. Riley blew her a kiss, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Always, Peaches." As Riley walked towards the counter, Zay nudged Maya. "So, when you and Riley are... Y'know... Who's on top?"

Maya smacked him on the back of the head. 

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