Another Domestic Rilaya One Shot That No One Asked For

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"Mmm, Peaches," Riley moaned, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as Maya continued kissing up and down her neck. Maya's head popped up, her pretty face smug and confident. "Yes, pumpkin?" She asked, her voice soft and sultry, just the way Riley liked it. Riley moaned again as Maya sucked gently on the skin right above her collarbone. Her fingers tangled into Maya's curly blonde locks. "We can't," Riley sighed. Maya paused, cocking an eyebrow at her wife. "Why not?" Maya whined, pressing another kiss to Riley's neck. Riley sat up, gently nudging Maya off. 

"We have plans, remember, Peaches?" Riley sighed again. While she wanted nothing more than to stay in bed and let Maya have her way with her- she shivered delightedly at the very thought, they had plans with their friends. Movie, dinner, then a sleepover. Maya let out a disappointed groan, flopping down onto the bed next to her wife. "I'm gonna punch Lucas if he chooses that stupid action movie," Maya pronounced. Riley laughed softly beside her. "I might punch him, too." Riley agreed. "C'mon, Peaches. Let's get ready."

With a sigh, Maya rolled off of the bed. She shuffled her way to the bathroom to shower. After her shower, she strode over to the shared closet. Riley patted her on the butt as she passed. As Riley showered, Maya selected her outfit for the night. She studied it critically, then smiled. She slid on her skinny jeans, then her favorite burgundy silk tank top. Her hair had dried mostly by then, wild and curly, just the way Riley liked it. She selected a pair of black heeled boots, then sat down at the vanity to do her makeup.

Riley quickly dried off. She'd picked out her outfit while Maya was showering. Sliding on a yellow tank top, skinny jeans, and tan suede heeled booties, she avoided looking at Maya as she grabbed her makeup bag and headed back to the bathroom to do her makeup and dry her hair. She and Maya enjoyed surprising each other with their outfits and makeup, so on a night out, they refused to look at each other until they were finished getting ready. It seemed silly, but knowing that they were dressing up for the other to admire made it even more fun. 

Finally, they were ready. "On the count of three, Peaches!" Riley called from the bathroom. Maya squeezed her eyes shut. "Okay, pumpkin!" 



"Three!" Riley yelled, then opened her eyes. Her breath caught in her chest. She placed a hand over her heart, eyes widening at the sight of Maya. Maya's hair was wild and curly, framing her beautiful face perfectly, just the way she liked it. The silk burgundy tank top flowed against Maya's skin like water. The jeans she wore clung to Maya like a second skin, and for a moment, she was jealous of the fact that the jeans were closer to Maya than she was at the moment. Maya's bright blue eyes were accentuated by dark, smoky eyeshadow and thicker eyeliner than she usually wore. The heeled boots Maya wore boosted her up to the tip Riley's cheek, rather than the the bottom half of Riley's cheek. What drew Riley's eyes to Maya even more, was the dark burgundy lipstick that was lining Maya's lips. She had the sudden impulse to see how much she could smear Maya's lipstick with her own lips. 

Similarly, Maya was equally entranced by her wife's appearance. Riley's dark brown hair flowed down until it reached the small of her back, smooth and silky. The pastel yellow tank top that she donned popped against her tan skin and clung to her body, hugging her curves in all the right places. Maya had the urge to run her hands down her wife's body. Her mouth practically watered as she took in her wife in those dark skinny jeans, that hugged her curvaceous frame perfectly. The suede booties made her smile, because as good as they looked, Riley was never able to master walking that well even in heeled boots. She would be holding onto Riley all night, and she was perfectly fine with that. Riley's makeup was light, natural. Maya could make out the light dusting of gold on her wife's cheekbones and eyelids, making her look nearly ethereal. Her long lashes brushed against the top of her cheekbones as she blinked at Maya. Her lips were painted a light pink color, and Maya found herself idly wondering what color their lipsticks would make if they were smudged together. 

"Oh, Peaches..." Riley wobbled her way over to her wife. Maya instinctively reached a hand out to help her admittedly clumsy wife balance. "You look stunning," Riley sighed, her eyes full of love and longing. Maya felt herself melt under Riley's smile, a soft, gentle smile that she reserved only for Maya. "Me?" Maya exclaimed incredulously, brushing off the compliment. "Look at you, Riles. You look like an angel." Maya sighed dreamily. Riley blushed, ducking her head self-consciously. "You're beautiful." Maya insisted, squeezing Riley's hand. Riley took another long look at Maya, scanning the way Maya's jeans clung to her butt, focusing her attention there. It was Maya's turn to blush as Riley very obviously checked her out. 

"Oh, Maya," Riley sighed once again. "Do we have to go out tonight?" Maya laughed as she tossed Riley her purse, making sure to tuck her own wallet into Riley's purse as well. "Yes, pumpkin, we'd never hear the end of it if our friends find out why we bailed." Riley groaned, sliding her purse onto her shoulder. "I know you're right, but I also want to smudge your lipstick. With my lips. On your face." Maya laughed again as they walked out the door, making sure to lock the door behind them. She turned to face her wife as they began walking to their car, a wicked smile gracing her painted lips.

"Oh, just wait 'til we get home, Sunshine."

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