Maya's Favorite Things

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Painting, obviously. Painting has always been Maya's outlet for her emotions. While people might think that she was closed off, her paintings always spoke volumes. When she was younger, she would paint pictures of a happy family, something she always longed for. She wondered why she couldn't have one, why her father left her. She constantly wondered why she wasn't good enough for him to stay, to love her like a father should. When she was a teenager, she began painting the outlines of a golden girl; one she pined after since she began middle school. She often wept while she painted her golden girl, wishing with all of her heart that her golden girl would love her back, the way she loved her. She was too scared to tell that girl how she felt, until that fateful day where there was a possibility of her golden girl moving to London. That night, she kissed her as softly as a whisper. She was stunned when her golden girl pulled her closer, instead of pushing her away like she'd expected. Her smile was warm, turning everything around her golden, as she asked Maya, "What took you so long?"

The bay window. All of their friendships decisions and contemplations have always been made there. It's Maya's safe place, and always will be. The bay window holds so many memories, both good and bad. Great and horrible. Maya will always look fondly back at the hours spent talking at length about anything and everything. Her favorite memory will always be the night she gathered all of her courage and kissed her golden girl. 

Singing. Maya loves to sing, and is pleased when she was told that she could carry a tune. She sings when she is sad, when she is mad, and most importantly, she sings to her golden girl every night, singing songs of love and devotion. She swears that there was nothing better than that golden smile her songs induces. Her fingers comb through luscious dark brown locks as she sings softly to her girl. Sometimes, her girl will sing along with her, in perfect harmony. On summer days, they would swing on the swings on the playground like little children again, singing loudly without a care in the world. When her golden girl isn't feeling so golden, Maya will sing. Sometimes, the songs she'll sing to her are love songs, which always brings a soft, loving smile to her girl's face. Other times, she'll make up words to a song, funny lyrics that will make her girl burst out laughing by the second verse, every single time. Maya can't help but laugh along, her heart bursting with joy at the infectious sound of her lover's laugh.

Brown eyes. Maya has always thought that brown eyes were much prettier than blue. Her mother has brown eyes, kind and bright, just like her mother's personality. Smackle has big brown eyes, wide and understanding. Mr. Matthew's has brown eyes, deep and thoughtful. Auggie has beautiful bright brown eyes, that twinkle with the youthfulness he possesses. Most importantly, her girl has brown eyes, bright, curious, beautiful, and loving. Maya swears that she could look at those big brown eyes for hours, without getting bored. Her girl's eyes are so expressive. It's true, Maya thinks, that the eyes are windows to the soul.

Brown hair. Silky soft underneath Maya's fingers. Dark at night when they steal kisses on the bay window. Light in the sun, like burnished copper, turning golden when she smiles at Maya. Long brown hair that twirls around with her when she happily spins around, her smile wide. Perfect brown hair that's tousled when she wakes first thing in the morning, her smile sleepy and soft. Beautiful brown hair that frames her equally beautiful face as she smiles, wide and soft as she makes her way down the aisle, on her father's arm.

Hugs. The feeling of holding her girl in her arms after a long day is better than therapy, Maya thinks. The tension drains from her body as she holds her lover close, burying her face in beautiful brown hair that smells like strawberries. Her girl hums softly, soothing Maya the way Maya soothes her. Her long, slim fingers play with the ends of Maya's blonde hair as she hums. Maya falls asleep with a smile on her face.

Kisses. Kissing her girl so hard that they're both breathless and panting, wanting to get impossibly closer to her. Her lover's big brown eyes are dark with want, and her pretty pink lips are deliciously swollen. Kissing her girl softly, gently, as they lay together, soft and gentle touches for only each other, no one else. Kissing her girl because she can, because she loves her. Kissing her girl because it feels so right, their lips pressing together like two pieces of a puzzle. Kissing her girl because she's the only one who will ever will, after their vows are over. Kissing her girl goodnight, her heart warm in her chest, because when she wakes, her lover will be right beside her, for the rest of their lives. 

Riley. Most importantly, Riley. Maya's number one favorite thing , for the rest of her life, will always be Riley Matthews.

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