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An amused smile spread across Maya's pretty face, her eyes twinkling as she took in her girlfriend, who was laying across their bed, cuddling the bunny the Matthews had adopted. She hopped through the window and strode across the room. "What exactly am I looking at, Honey?" Riley sat up quickly, her mouth hanging open in disbelief  at her girlfriend. "HOW ARE YOU NOT PASSING OUT FROM CUTENESS OVERLOAD?!" Riley shrieked, her voice piercing. Maya winced, shaking her head. She collapsed onto the bed next to her, turning around to face Riley. 

"Sorry, what was that?!" Maya exclaimed, scrunching her nose up and motioning at her ears. "I think I just went deaf!" Riley carefully moved the bunny out of the way, then pounced at Maya, landing squarely on top of her. She bit her lip, a grin curling around the corners of her lips. Maya's eyes widened, and she began to shake her head, shifting around. "No, no, no! Riley Matthews, don't you- AH!" she shrieked as her girlfriend's fingers began mercilessly tickling her sides. Riley was smiling triumphantly. This was the only way to get her girlfriend to drop her sarcastic facade. Maya clapped a hand over her mouth, trying to contain her laughter, but it was nearly impossible. Riley knew everything about her, including all of her tickle spots. Maya laughed so hard, tears began streaming down her face. "Are you gonna be nice to me now?" Riley asked, a teasing smile on her face. Maya snorted in response, trying to wipe the tears from her face. Riley's fingers tapped on her stomach, making her giggle in response. "That wasn't an answer, Peaches!" 

Maya gripped her hands, still giggling lightly. "Yes! Yes, Honey. I'll be nicer. Promise." Maya smiled up at her girlfriend. Riley released one of Maya's hands, reaching over to stroke Maya's cheek. "Good. Now, I think you deserve a kiss." Maya harrumphed playfully. "You're damn right I do, Matthews! You nearly tickled me to death." Riley laughed at the look on her girlfriend's face. "What a way to go." Maya snorted again, this time shifting her hands to Riley's hips. Riley, still straddling Maya, leaned down and captured her girlfriend's lips in a sweet, soft kiss. However, Maya wasn't satisfied with that, and swiped her tongue across her Riley's bottom lip. Riley teased her, denying her entry. She let out a soft gasp, that transformed into a moan, when Maya nipped at her bottom lip in reply. Riley felt, rather than heard Maya's soft chuckle in response. 

Suddenly, Riley's door flew open. Riley shrieked, diving onto the floor. Maya rolled straight off of the bed, crawling towards the Bay Window. "You!" Cory Matthews all but snarled at Maya. Maya plopped down on the Bay Window seat. She offered Cory a cheeky grin. "Me." Maya replied, raising an eyebrow. "You... No... You!" Cory bellowed, dashing towards the blonde. "Daddy!" Riley shrieked, as Topanga hurried into the room. She stood by her mother, both staring in shock as Cory grabbed Maya's ankle. 

"Alright, Matthews. I'll humor you, but seriously, I need this shoe back when you're done. I just got these boots." Maya called over her shoulder, kicking free of Cory's grip as she escaped out of the Bay Window, one shoe missing as she raced away from Riley's room. She stopped halfway out, still flailing at Cory's attempt to pull her back in. She shot a dimpled grin at Riley. "I'll call you when I get home." Riley could only nod, dumbfounded as Maya blew her a kiss and finally kicked free of Cory's grasp once again,  slamming the window shut as she raced away. 

Cory dropped Maya's boot on the Bay Window seat, grumbling about how Maya shouldn't have had to humor him, pouting when Topanga only laughed at his grumbling, then guided him out of the room. She closed the door behind her. Riley could only laugh at her father's sulking, then held the boot in her arms, cradling it against her chest. The bunny blinked at her sleepily from the spot Riley had left it at on the bed. Riley shook her head in amusement. 

"Oh, bunny. You have no idea."

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