Riley's Favorite Things.

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Writing. Ever since she was a little girl, she was always able to eloquently put her thoughts into words on paper. She always felt like a nobody, like an awkward girl who would never have any friends. Writing, before her friends came into her life, was always there for her. She wrote about her future, planning everything meticulously. She would write about her hopes and dreams, and when she was older, about a love she feared would shake everything in her life up. She wrote a letter to her paint-splattered friend that she never gave her. She was too scared. Years later, when they exchanged vows, she read the letter to her lover on their honeymoon. Tears were shed, but the happy kind. She knew that her lover did shake up her life, but in the best way possible.

Photography. She thinks she inherited her passion for photography through her Uncle Shawn. She loved capturing emotions on camera, the way her girl did with painting. Her favorite thing to capture on film, however, was her lover's smile. Bright, wide, happy. Big blue eyes crinkled up, dimples so deep Riley wanted to dive into them. Cheeks flushed and rosy, hands reaching out to hold Riley the only way she ever wanted to be held. Clothes splattered with purple paint, the sunset illuminating her pale skin, turning her golden. 

Blue eyes. Riley always thought blue eyes were beautiful, far more than her own plain brown eyes. Her mother's blue eyes were soft and kind. Farkle's blue eyes were thoughtful and sweet. Lucas' eyes shifted from blue to green, but were fierce and loyal. Most importantly, her girl's eyes were blue. Blue eyes the color of the ocean when they kissed so much they were breathless, panting and full of want, for each other. Blue eyes the color of a thunderstorm when her lover was angry, passionate, her voice loud like thunder and her words as sharp as lightning. Blue eyes the color of the sea when her girl was content, underneath the purple silk covers, holding Riley like she was the most important thing in the world. Blue eyes the color of the sky, rosy cheeks and laughter in the air as they swung on the swings. Blue eyes that looked at her like she was the most beautiful person in the entire world. 

Blonde hair. Long, soft blonde hair that spread across her pillows as they kissed goodnight. Long blonde hair flying out behind her as they chased each other in the park, feeling like little kids again. Long blonde hair swaying prettily in the summer breeze as they shared a milkshake. Long blonde hair, crazy and curly when they woke up next to each other, soft and gentle as they kissed good morning. Beautiful long blonde hair framing her equally beautiful face as they slow danced at their wedding. Long blonde hair trailing down her back and through her fingertips as they kissed each other hard and passionately on their wedding night.

Hugs. Riley always cherished the way her girl held her, singing to her softly as the sun went down. Hugging each other feverishly, not wanting to let go the night they first kissed. Soft and gentle hugs, burying her face in her lover's blonde hair as they swayed side to side to the music playing softly through their apartment. Laying in her girl's arms was the safest Riley had ever felt. Her girl held her like she was the most cherished thing in her life. Hugging each other tight on the day of their wedding, after their vows. 

Kisses. Kissing her lover softly as they danced around their apartment, twirling each other around as they laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt. Kissing her girl hungrily as they made their way to the bedroom, their clothing leaving a trail following down the hallway. Kissing her girl sweetly as she got down on one knee and asked her to spend the rest of her life with her. Kissing her lover hard, until they were both breathless after they say "I do." Kissing her girl with the promise of forever on her tongue. Kissing her girl with the taste of their future together. 

Maya. Most of all, most importantly, Maya will forever be her favorite thing, her person. For the rest of their lives.

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