Cotton Candy Face

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"Maya, stop! You're getting mashed potatoes in my hair!" Riley squealed, grabbing her girlfriend's arm to keep the offending fork from getting said mashed potatoes in her hair. Maya just laughed, easily breaking the hold on her arm, and shoved the fork in her mouth instead. "Umpth, thaf's goof!" Maya mumbled around a mouthful of potatoes. Riley shook a stern finger at her. "Don't talk with your mouth full, Ms. Hunter. It's rude." Maya just stuck her tongue out in response, shoving even more mashed potatoes in her mouth. Riley rolled her eyes fondly at her girlfriend, shaking her head. "You're lucky you're cute, Peaches." Maya swallowed the mouthful of food and grinned at Riley, her eyes crinkling up at the corners. "You're not so bad yourself, Sweetheart."

Lucas and Farkle watched on, their eyes glimmering with happiness for their friends. After years of repressing their feelings for each other, Maya and Riley were finally official. Lucas wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's waist, pulling him close. Farkle smiled up at him, and in response, Lucas pressed a kiss onto the tip of his nose.

"Why am I the only single one?" Zay grumbled to himself, reaching for another barbecued rib and taking a savage bite out of it. As he chewed, he noticed a girl walking to their table. Her curly black hair and dark skin looked familiar. It looked like... Vanessa. He nearly choked on his food, and quickly swallowed the half chewed food, wincing as it slid roughly down his throat. She pulled up a chair. "Zay, fancy meeting' you here. I thought you an' Lucas moved to the big city." Zay's mouth went dry, and his eyes widened. "Uh, hey... Vanessa."

At that name, Maya immediately slid over next to Zay. "Excuse me, pumpkin. Who's this?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow at her, and she gave her the cockiest smirk ever. Riley, Lucas, and Farkle watched on, amused. "What're you doing?" Zay whispered to her. She gave him her "play-along-or-die" smile. He turned back to Vanessa and opened his mouth. Riley slid over to the other side of him. "Isaiah Hank Babineuax! What're you doing with Maya?" Maya winked at her discreetly. "What is going on?!" Zay exclaimed. "I don't want Maya's claws near you, when you know you're mine," Riley intoned, arching an eyebrow. "That's what's going on."

"These are my friends-" Zay was cut off by Maya. "And how does it make you feel when he calls you just 'friend,' Riley?" Maya asked. "I like it." Riley smiled. Maya rolled her eyes and whispered, "No, you don't!" Riley immediately straightened up. "I do not like it when he calls me just 'friend.'" Zay turned to her, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you want me to call you?"

Riley froze. Maya froze. Maya knew Riley wasn't good at improv, and she immediately cringed, already knowing what was going to come out of Riley's mouth would blow up their spot. "I want you to call me..." Riley stalled as the entire table watched her. "Cotton Candy Face!" she finally exclaimed. Maya mentally face-palmed herself, and reached out to pat Riley's arm. "Good girl, I know that was hard for you."

Vanessa turned her eyes back onto Zay. "Seems like you've met some cool people, right Zay?" Once again, before Zay could answer, Riley butted in. "That's right, Vanessa." Vanessa's eyebrows slammed together. "How do you know my name."

"Too much!" Farkle slid his chair back and made his escape for the dance floor, where Lucas had made his way to a few minutes prior. "Too much!" Maya raced after him. "Too much!" Riley ran after her. Lucas was teaching Riley how to square dance, and her girlfriend was already better than she thought the admittedly clumsy brunette would be. Farkle walked up to her, a shy smile on his face. "I'm glad you two finally figured everything out." He told Maya. Maya's eyes crinkled up at the corners as she smiled back. "Me too, Farkle. Me too." Farkle wrapped his arm around Maya's waist, squeezing gently. She returned his one armed hug, and then quickly released him. "I'm gonna go claim my dance partner. You should, too." Farkle grinned and saluted. "Aye, aye. Ms. Hunter." Maya rolled her eyes playfully at him, as she linked arms with him and walked over to their partners. Farkle wasted no time in grabbing Lucas' hand and pulling him into him. Riley's eyes searched the crowd for her own favorite dancing partner, and beamed when she saw a pair of bright blue eyes staring at her. She began to weave around the crowd, but soon got distracted by the sight of Zay and Vanessa talking animatedly. She smiled, glad that her friend was getting a chance to maybe rekindle his love with Vanessa. Maya followed Riley's gaze and smiled as well. Zay was a good guy. He deserved it. Maya snuck up behind Riley, while Riley was still looking at them.

Maya tapped Riley on the shoulder once. Riley whirled around, and her trademark open-mouthed grin spread across her face. Maya couldn't help the grin that snuck its way across her face in response. "Hey, Cotton Candy Face. Let's dance." Riley's groan could be heard over the boisterous sounds of Lucas and Farkle's laughter. "You're never gonna let me live that one down, are you?" Maya laughed even harder, as she asked;

"Why'd you choose that name?!"

"I panicked, okay! I'm not as good at improv as you are, Peaches!"

Maya was shaking with laughter, resting her head against her girlfriend's shoulder for support. Riley could feel her laughter, and it made her smile, even if it was at her expense. "I'll call you that from now on, I swear it." Maya giggled, finally calming down some. Riley laughed. "I like the name Cotton Candy Face! It has character." Maya controlled her giggles, and her eyes shone fondly at her girlfriend. "That it does, Sunshine, that it does."

A slow song started, and Riley wrapped her arms around Maya's waist, pulling her closer until their foreheads touched. "May I have this dance, Peaches?" Riley grinned goofily, waggling her eyebrows comically. Maya's smile morphed into a grin, and she slid her arms around Riley's shoulders. "You may, Cotton Candy Face." Riley laughed, and just pulled Maya closer. Maya rested her head against Riley's shoulder once more, her eyes fluttering shut. Riley's own eyelids slid shut as well, as they swayed side to side.

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