Summer Days and Birthdays

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Summer time was Riley's favorite time.

Summer time meant that the days would be full of lazing around on the beach, walks in the park with Maya, and sharing a chocolate milkshake with her girlfriend outside of Topanga's. Summer days meant taking long car rides with her friends, her hair blowing in the wind, and nothing but the sound of her friends' carefree laughter. Sleepovers with Maya would last from three days, to at least a week, with nothing interrupting them, because there was nothing to worry about. Riley loved the summer, and wished it could last forever.

Riley and Maya were splayed out on Riley's bed, the air conditioning turned up as high as it could go to combat the summer heat. "Sunshine?" Maya's voice floated above Riley's head, which was placed quite comfortably on Maya's stomach. "Hmm?" Riley murmured drowsily. "Can we go get a chocolate shake? I've been dying for one all day." Maya sat up, effectively getting Riley to relinquish her comfy spot on Maya. Riley stretched and yawned, nodding her head. "Yeah. I could use some sugar, I was falling asleep on you."

Maya's eyes shone with pure fondness, a small smile curling at the corners of her lips. "I noticed, Honey." Riley giggled and jumped off of the bed, reaching a hand out to pull Maya off of the bed as well. Maya took her hand and squeezed it lightly, springing off of the bed as well. Riley tucked her feet into a pair of flip-flops, and Maya did the same. They climbed down the stairs and out the door, locking it as they went.

"Hi girls!" Topanga greeted them cheerily. Katy waved as she passed by, carrying a tray laden with food to her waiting customers. "Hi, Mom!" Riley replied, resting her elbows on the counter. Maya nodded at Topanga, leaning against the counter. "'Sup?" she intoned casually. Topanga rolled her eyes fondly at her daughter's girlfriend. "Your usual?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "Please." Riley smiled at her mother. "Coming right up. You two can go sit at your table, and I'll bring it out to you." Topanga told them. As usual, Maya held out a five dollar bill, and as usual, Topanga waved it away. Maya shrugged, placing the bill on the counter, even though she knew it would mysteriously end up back in her purse somehow. Cory and Topanga thought it was so sweet of Maya to pay for the milkshake, but knew that the Hunter's financial situation wasn't the best at the moment, as Shawn hadn't booked any jobs for nearly a month now. They knew that the Hunter's relied on Katy's small amount of tips and her meager paycheck at the moment, and they didn't want Maya spending any money at Topanga's, ever.

Riley and Maya sat at their favorite table outside, and Maya drummed her fingers on the table. It was something she only did when she was annoyed or stressed out. Riley knew that her girlfriend was stressed out about her household's finances, and felt a pang of sadness. The Hunter's deserved all of the money in the world. Maya deserved the world, the universe, the galaxy. Riley smiled to herself. She had a plan for Maya's birthday, which was only a few days away. It was going to be Maya's eighteenth birthday, and the best one she'd have yet.

Maya watched as a small smile crept onto her girlfriend's lips. "Whatcha' thinking' about, Honey?" Maya asked, an eyebrow raised. "You, of course," Riley replied, loving the way Maya's cheeks flushed a cherry blossom pink. Maya bit her lip to keep from grinning like a loon. "I always smile when I think about you." Topanga let out a quiet cooing sound as she dropped off their chocolate shake with extra whipped-cream, with two straws poked into it. Maya only flushed deeper as she put the straw in her mouth.

Maya changed the subject, before she turned into a tomato. "I'm gonna be eighteen. Gross." Riley laughed, taking Maya's hands and pressing a kiss to them. "Yeah, gross." Maya laughed this time, too. "What do you wanna do for your special day?" Riley asked. Maya shook her head. "Nothing big. Just you, me, and a chocolate shake." Riley smiled, releasing Maya's hands so she could cup her face in hers. "Sounds good to me, Peaches." Maya's face softened into a smile, and she held Riley's gaze. "Anywhere where I go, if you're there with me, then it's always gonna be good."

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