Oh, Charlie Gardner

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"I swear, I'm going to wring Charlie Gardner's stupid neck," Maya groused, flopping down onto the couch next to Lucas. Lucas arched a sympathetic eyebrow at his friend. "Not that I condone murder, but for Gardner, I might make an exception." Zay nodded in agreement. "Man, I really don't like that guy," Zay admitted. "There's just something about him that creeps me out." Maya shot up, sitting straight up as her eyes widened. "Right! So, it's not just me!" Maya exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. Smackle shook her head, her ebony hair swishing along her shoulders. "No, it's not just you," Smackle agreed. "While I am no expert on emotions, there is something truly strange about Charlie." She pushed her glasses higher on the bridge of her nose. "Indeed, my ingenious governess," Farkle spoke up. "It seems that he does not understand rejection, and Riley is too kind to outwardly reject him."

Maya deflated, her eyes growing dim. "Yeah..." Farkle nudged her. "Did something happen?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Maya sighed, leaning gladly into Farkle's embrace. "He asked Riley out again. Right in front of me." Maya admitted. Lucas rolled his eyes, angry for his friend. "Let me guess- Riley got flustered?" Maya nodded once, her usually bright blue eyes flat and almost gray. "Then, when I got annoyed with her for not rejecting him, we got into a fight." Maya murmured. The group of friends collectively sighed. "And now we're not talking." Maya continued. "She wants me to apologize for getting annoyed, but I can't. He asked my girlfriend out, right in front of me, and she didn't laugh in his face." Smackle shook her head, her eyes filling with compassion. "Yes, she didn't. But that's our Riley," she insisted. "Riley would never laugh in someone's face, especially if they're putting themselves out there." 

Maya sighed again. "I know, and that's why I love her. But it's not fair to me, for her to not reject him. I'm her girlfriend." She stood up, gently nudging Farkle's arm off of her. "Sorry guys, I don't really feel like hanging out with anyone right now." With that, Maya gathered her jacket and her purse and walked out of Topanga's. Farkle glanced around the group. "So, bay window?" He asked his friends. They all nodded, and filed out of Topanga's.

Riley was sitting on her bed, phone in hand. Her index finger hovered tentatively above Maya's contact name. She knew that Maya was truly upset, and that devastated her, especially because she was the cause of it. Her bay window slid open, and her head snapped up, hoping with all of her heart that it was Maya. She hated fighting with Maya. Instead, Farkle hopped through the window, soon followed by the rest of her friends, minus Maya. Her heart sank, and she flopped back onto her bed. Farkle raised an eyebrow, and patted the seat of the bay window. "Riley. Bay window. Now." Riley rolled her eyes into the pillow covering her face. "You're all here to yell at me." Riley stated.

"When have we ever done that?" Lucas asked. "When have we ever came in here to yell at you?" Riley sighed, sitting up and fixing her hair. "Okay, okay. But I'm sure you know what happened already, right?" Her friends nodded somberly, taking a seat on her bed with her. "Maya is really bothered by it." Smackle sighed, resting a hand on Riley's shoulder. Riley deflated, and her eyes watered. "I know. I know it's my fault. I don't want her to apologize anymore, because she has nothing to apologize for." Riley mumbled glumly. "This is all on me. I should've just rejected Charlie flat out."

"Why didn't you?" Zay asked curiously. "I was wondering that myself." Farkle added. Riley sighed, her eyes dropping to her hands. "I just... I don't like hurting anyone's feelings," Riley stated. "But you're hurting Maya's feelings." Lucas reminded her gently. Riley's face screwed up into a teary grimace. "I know! I hate myself for that," Riley cried. She buried her face in her hands, shoulders shaking. Farkle rested a hand on the small of her back. "Riley, I think Maya is just wanting an apology, and reassurance." Farkle said softly. "If someone kept asking Smackle out right in front of me, and she didn't tell them that she had a serious boyfriend, I would be very upset as well." 

Smackle looked greatly upset by the suggestion. "I would never, dearest." Smackle reached for Farkle's hand. "I know, Isadora," Farkle smiled softly at his girlfriend. "I'm just using us an example." He promised. Smackle looked relieved, squeezing his hand gently. Riley watched the interaction with a hand on her heart. "So what do I do? How do I fix this?" Riley begged, her eyes wide and desperate. "I know who I love. I love Maya, with everything I have. Everything I believe in. I don't want Charlie, I never did. I want Maya, and I want Maya forever." Riley declared, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand.

"You really mean that?" A small voice asked from the bay window. A tiny blonde sat there, her eyes wide and teary, a hopeful smile on her beautiful face. Riley started, her mouth dropping open slightly. "How... How much did you hear of that?" Riley asked softly. Maya stood. Riley stood, taking a tentative step towards her girlfriend. Their friends stood up, slowly making their way to the door. The ball was in Riley's hands, and they wanted to give the couple their alone time. Farkle shot Riley a thumbs up as he left, which made the both of them snicker. Riley felt her heart beat faster at the sound of her beloved's laugh. The door swung shut, and they faced each other, yet again. "All of it," Maya admitted, her voice soft. "You really mean all of that, Riles?" Maya repeated, her eyes hopeful. Riley nodded quickly. "I do, Peaches." Maya's smile grew in response to the nickname only Riley could call her. "I love you so much, Peaches. Only you. I'm so sorry that I made you doubt that. I'm so sorry." Riley said softly, her voice echoing in the silent room.

Maya took another step forward. Then another. And then, she was launching herself into Riley's arms. "I love you too, Pumpkin," Maya let out a watery chuckle. "Apology accepted." Riley rested her beaming face on top of Maya's head. Riley guided them to her bed, then pulled Maya onto her lap. Maya gladly snuggled against her girlfriend. "Let's never fight again." Riley murmured into the the crook of Maya's neck. "Please." Maya agreed, wrapping an arm around Riley's waist. Maya yawned, reaching for Riley's fluffy comforter. "Can we take a make-up nap?" She asked, her eyes wide and beseeching. Riley giggled in response, pulling up the comforter around them. "Isn't it usually make-up sex?" She joked. Maya grinned wickedly in response. 

"We can do that after our nap, Honey."

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