Top Or Bottom?

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Farkle slammed a deck of cards onto Riley's desk. Riley glanced up at him, her pencil stilling on the piece of paper she was writing on and cocked her head at him. Farkle glared at her, his chest heaving and his face bright red. She raised an eyebrow at him. From her bed, Maya rolled over onto her stomach and glanced at Farkle, her face amused. "Is there something we can help you with, Farkle?" Riley asked, her voice kind. Farkle gasped a deep breath, gesturing towards the deck of cards. "I have a game for us tonight," Farkle explained breathily. "For game night." Maya groaned, long and loud from the bed. "That's it?!" She exclaimed. "THAT's why you're so out of breath?" 

As Maya rolled off of the bed, the bay window flew open. Smackle carefully climbed in, mindful of her skirt. Zay followed in after her, nearly toppling over as he climbed in. Finally, Lucas climbed in right after Zay, carefully lowering the pizzas he was carrying onto Riley's desk. Smackle primly lowered herself onto the fluffy purple carpet near Riley's bed, adjusting her legs so she wouldn't flash her friends. Maya flipped open a pizza box and grabbed a piece, downing half of it with one bite. Riley crinkled her nose at her girlfriend, but couldn't stop the affectionate smile from spreading across her face. "Sheesh, Maya." Lucas shuddered. He considered reaching for a piece of pizza, but then realized that he'd like all of his fingers to remain intact. Maya chewed happily, collapsing onto the ground next to Smackle. Smackle ran her fingers through her long, dark hair and reached for Farkle's hand.

Farkle grabbed a pizza box and set it onto the floor next to Smackle, then sat down. He opened the box and offered Smackle a slice before taking one for himself. Riley grabbed another box of pizza and sat next to Maya, wrapping an arm around her waist. Maya happily snuggled closer to Riley, still clutching the piece of pizza in one hand. Lucas grabbed the deck of cards and sat down next to Zay, who was eagerly attacking a piece of pizza. The group of friends sat on the fluffy purple rug, they munched their pizza and exchanged gossip about what was happening in school.

As Maya ate her final slice of pizza, she rubbed her stomach in contentment. "Okay, losers." Maya said, a grin spreading across her face. "What're we playing tonight?" She rubbed her hands together in excitement. Riley rested her head on Maya's shoulder. Farkle held up the deck of cards. "This is the Game of Truth," He explained. "And yes, there are questions for people in the LGBTQ+ community." He hastened to reassure Riley, knowing that his friend would passionately rage about how card games rarely included questions for the LGBTQ+ community. Riley sat back, pleased. Lucas and Zay exchanged glances, letting out relieved sighs in almost unison. Smackle folded her hands across her lap, waiting for the game to start. 

A few hours later, with their stomachs hurting so much from laughing, there was one card left. Riley clapped her hands gleefully, reaching for it. She picked it up, her eyes scanning the small print on the card. Her whole face blanched, and the color seemed to drain out of her cheeks. Maya sat up, alarmed. "Riles? What does it say?" Riley, in a trance-like state, simply held the card out to Maya. Maya took it, read it, and her reaction was almost the same as Riley's. Instead of the color draining from her face, her face flushed a brilliant red, her mouth gaping open. "Um," The tiny blonde eloquently said. She grasped the card tighter, preparing to rip it in half. 

With agile fingers, Zay snatched the card out of her hands. He read it, then burst out laughing. "In your relationship, who is the bottom and who is the top?" He read to his group of friends. Farkle cringed. Lucas and Smackle promptly burst into hysterical laughter. Riley finally snapped out of her trance and blushed so brightly, it looked like she'd been sunburnt. She buried her face into the crook of Maya's neck. Maya's face was just as red as Riley's, her mouth flopping open as she tried to change the subject. 

"So?" Lucas snickered. "Who's on top, and who's on the bottom?" Maya squinted at him, a smirk forming on her beautiful face. "Wouldn't you like to know, Huckleberry?" It was Lucas' turn to stammer incoherently and blush brightly. Zay cackled, slapping his knee at Maya's quip and Lucas' reaction. Smackle grinned. "We have a debate going," She informed the two girls, gesturing towards the boys. "On who's the top and who's the bottom." Farkle covered his face with both hands. He wished he was anywhere but here. It was Riley who spoke, surprising everyone. Amusement was etched onto her face. "Yeah? Well, who won the debate?" She asked. Maya snickered. 

The boys were blushing messes, but Smackle's voice was calm as she replied, "No one. We've tried to figure out who it was, but it was decided that a possible answer to this equation is that you both take turns." Maya shrugged, a sadistic grin lighting up her features. It was payback time. "So, do you guys often discuss me and Riley's sex life?" Smackle shrugged back in response, then nodded. "So, what other theories have you come up with?" Riley asked, her voice amused. At that, Farkle scrambled towards the bay window, his phone and keys forgotten as he practically threw himself out of the bay window. Smackle stood, concerned. "Beloved!" She called after him. She carefully slid out of the bay window, then ran after him. Lucas was the next to leave, avoiding eye contact with Maya as he bid them both a goodnight. He dragged a protesting Zay after him. "But I wanna know! I know you voted Riley as the..." His voice trailed off as they disappeared around the corner. 

Maya and Riley glanced at each other. Riley shrugged, leaning in to rest her head on Maya's shoulder once more. Maya reached for another piece of pizza, snickering. "Man, I love game night."  

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