The Gay Riverdale Crossover No One Asked For

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"Peaches, why don't we stop here?" Riley suggested. Maya glanced up at the sign. Pop's Chocklit Shoppe. She nodded in agreement, pulling into a parking space close to the entrance. Riley quickly exited the car, pulling Maya's door open, offering her hand. Maya grinned at her girlfriend and took it, hefting herself out of the car. They quickly made their way into the tiny diner. A stunningly beautiful short, black haired girl with tan skin looked up at them from behind the counter and beamed, her shiny white teeth on display. "Hi! Welcome to Pop's Chocklit Shoppe! What can I do for you?" She asked cheerily. Riley beamed back at her. "Hi! Can we have two vanilla milkshakes and two orders of fries?" Riley chirped. The black-haired girl's grin widened. "Absolutely, go ahead and seat yourselves. I'll bring it out to you shortly."

As Maya slid into a booth, scanning the diner, her eyes fell on two girls sitting in the booth opposite of her. One girl had long, pink hair and caramel colored skin. She was significantly shorter than the girl across from her. The girl opposite of her had vibrant red hair, full red stained lips and was even paler than Maya herself. The pink haired girl caught her gaze and offered a friendly smile, shiny white teeth flashing in the light. Maya smiled back, raising an eyebrow as Riley slid into the seat opposite of her. "Our waitress's name is Veronica! She owns this place, Peaches! She's like two years older than us, and she owns a business! Isn't that incredible?" Riley gushed, her cheeks flushing as half of the diner turned to stare at them for her exuberance. The pink haired girl snickered into her hand, and the redhead had amusement etched across her pale features. Maya ignored them, taking Riley's hand and pressing a soft kiss to it, smiling softly at her girl. "That really is incredible," Maya agreed. "Must be a hell of a lot of work, though." 

"It definitely is," Veronica stated, setting their milkshakes on the table. Then she slid two orders of fries onto the table. "I'm Veronica," She added, glancing at Maya. Maya smiled at her, offering her hand to shake. "I'm Maya, and this little ball of sunshine is my girlfriend, Riley." Veronica giggled, resting her hands on the table. Riley shoved a french fry into her mouth, patting the seat next to her. Veronica hesitated, glancing at Maya. Maya grinned in response. "You own this place. Surely, you could take a break?" Veronica smirked at that, settling down next to Riley. "So, you guys aren't from around here, are you?" She asked. Riley pushed her basket of fries towards Veronica, who took one without hesitation. Maya shook her head as she sipped her milkshake. "Nah, we're from New York." She stated. Veronica nodded slowly, her eyes glazing over. "I moved here from New York," Veronica said softly. She took another fry and bit it in half. "I miss the city life, but here... I couldn't imagine moving back to the city." 

The sound of heeled footsteps nearing the booth made all three girls look up. It was the the pink haired girl and the redhead. "Greetings, Ronnie." The redhead said, her voice loud and unashamed. "I see that you've made friends with these tourists," She added. Riley beamed up at the two girls. The redhead looked surprised, but offered Riley a grin in response. Veronica spoke up, shoving another fry in her mouth. "Yeah, Cheryl, Toni. This is Riley," She pointed at the tall brunette, who smiled brightly. "And this is her girlfriend, Maya," She pointed at the tiny blonde, who gave a two finger salute. 

Cheryl positively beamed, sitting down next to Maya. "Ah! Fellow gays," She drawled, a smirk on her bright red lips. Maya choked on her milkshake, and Riley burst into laughter. Toni joined in on Riley's laughter, gently patting Maya on the back until her coughs subsided. "This is ma cherie, Antoinette Topaz." Toni shook her head playfully at her girlfriend. "Just Toni, Cher." She admonished her redheaded girlfriend. Maya pushed her tray of fries in the middle of the table, nodding when Toni glanced at her for confirmation. Toni snagged a fry off of the tray, popping it in her mouth. Cheryl rolled her eyes at her girlfriend. "Toni, we literally just ate! How are you still hungry?" Toni shoved another fry in her mouth, winking at her. "I'm a growing girl, Cher!" 

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