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"Wait, Riley and Maya are dating? Like together?" A confused Joshua Matthews asked. Cory nodded, amused. "Yes, they are." He replied. A silence hung over them. Cory could see that Josh was processing the news. Finally, Josh sat up straight. "I totally saw that coming." Josh admitted, a sheepish grin on his face. Cory laughed, shaking his head. "We all did. Literally everyone, except for those two." Josh laughed along with his older brother. He was happy for them. If he could choose two people who deserved to be the happiest they could, it would be Riley and Maya. 

The front door swung open, revealing Maya and Riley. Riley skipped into the house, chewing on a handful of chips that she'd managed to grab from Maya. She hurried towards the fridge for a drink, completely unaware of her father and Josh sitting on the couch behind her. Maya strode in right after, clutching a bag of chips to her side as she hurried to her girlfriend. However, she felt two pairs of eyes on her. Digging into the bag of chips, she popped a chip into her mouth, turning to greet who she presumed to be Mr. and Mrs. Matthews. "Hey Matthe-" She gasped at the sight of Josh, who sat there smirking at her. "Wha-" Maya choked as the unchewed chip slid roughly down her throat. She coughed a few times, pounding on her chest. Riley had abandoned the fridge, hurrying to her girlfriend's aid. She slapped her girlfriend on the back a few times, only stopping when Maya waved her off. "Peaches! Are you ok-" Riley's jaw dropped as she spotted her uncle.

Josh stood up, holding his arms out to Riley. "Niece!" He exclaimed. Riley stood there uncertainly, scanning her uncle's face for any hint of anger or animosity. She found none. Hesitantly, she hugged her uncle back. Maya stood next to Riley, hovering protectively, looking for any sign of discomfort on her girlfriend's face. She was ready to swoop in at any sign of distress. Cory watched impassively, secretly admiring how protective Maya was over his only daughter. 

Finally, Josh released Riley and reached for Maya, who hesitantly accepted the embrace. This time, it was Riley who was hovering protectively, looking for signs of distress. Josh released Maya, and smiled at the two of them. Riley took Maya's hand, squeezing it gently. "Uncle Josh-" Riley began, but was quickly cut off by Josh. "I'm so happy for the two of you." He stated softly. "I'm beyond happy for you, that you figured everything out. You two belong together." Both Riley and Maya's jaws dropped open. "You're not mad?" Maya asked softly, hopefully. Riley anxiously awaited her uncle's reply.

"How could I be?" He asked, his voice gentle. "How could I be angry, when you love each other so truly, so honestly?" Their shoulders slumped in obvious relief. Riley reached for her uncle once again. This time, there was no hesitancy in her demeanor. Josh met her halfway. "Thanks, Uncle Josh." Riley said softly. Her uncle squeezed her a little tighter before releasing her. "You are so lucky, Riley. You too, Maya." Nothing more needed to be said. Maya and Riley smiled at each other lovingly. Maya reached for Riley's hand, squeezing it gently as she smiled. 

"Yeah. Yeah, we are."

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